Katya | 4

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Katya tossed her bag onto her bed and sat down at her vanity, staring into the mirror for a moment. She sighed and took out a make up wipe from the container to her right and began smearing the eyeliner off her lids and wiping away the red from her lips.

Her mother's voice sounded from downstairs;


Katya called back.


The door squeaked open and Katya's mother shuffled in,

"Do you have plans tomorrow?"

Katya thought about it for a moment and nodded, almost forgetting about the party she'd been invited to - she'd have to remember to text Max for the address.

"Alright, Your aunt and I are going out during in the day if you'd like to join - how was your buddy project?"

Katya shrugged,

"it was fine, - thank you."

She looked up at her mother and gave her a warm smile.

Katya turned back to the mirror as her mom left the room. She fixed her hair and cleaned the excess make up from under her eyes, glancing behind her through the mirror at her bed she noticed something out of place, a pink journal was peaking out the top of her bag.

She furrowed her brows in confusion and turned to face the bed, staring the unfamiliar object down. She hadn't owned a single pink item since the end of second grade.

Katya stood up and took the book out of her bag, studying it in her hands momentarily before flipping it open to the first page.

This Journal belongs to:

Trixie Mattel
(Tracy Martel)

Katya flipped to the most recent entry on impulse and began to scan down the page:

Date: 01/15/19

"Dad doesn't know what's going on in my head, he doesn't know who I am or what a disgrace I am... If he can be so stern about a grade point average I can't imagine how angry he might be if he knew who I really was...I'm scared that if he finds out he'll toss me or send me away to some camp - probably in Russia somewhere, they hate my "breed." At least that's what I've been told. I get it though. I hate me, too... "

Katya stopped reading and smacked the book shut. She knew she wouldn't want Trixie reading her personal writing, but that's exactly why she didn't write personal information in journals where they could be lost and found and read. She quickly dug through her bag and noted that her sketch book however, was missing, and that was just as valuable to Katya as the pink journal was to Trixie.

Katya chewed on her lip nervously before packing the book back into her bag. She figured she could return it on Monday, three days wasn't that concerning... was it?

She tried to focus her attention on something else by rustling through her closet and drawers for the right attire for tomorrow night. She came across a skin tight red dress that stopped mid thigh and had lace sleeves all the way down the arms. She tossed it to the side of her bed and laid a pair of black heeled boots at the foot of it.


Katya spent most of next day poorly finishing some of her homework assignments. She wasn't the smartest being in the world and managed to score a couple B's here and there but maintained an average score of C pluses for most of her school career. Her mother didn't care of course, as long as Katya was stable and happy and not causing a commotion - but once Katya started in the US school system she felt like her grades were defining her more and it played a part in her outbursts as she got older.

She piled her work atop her desk and turned to the outfit laid out on her bed before starting on her make up and sipping at a Rockstar energy drink every so often.

Katya's phone went off while she was finishing up her lipstick, she looked down to read the caller ID: Maxxx

She pressed answer and turned the volume to speaker.

"Hello, darling" she spoke in her Russian accent. Max chuckled on the other end.

"Hey, I figure we'll just pick you up on the way, see you at eight?"

"Sure, see you then."

Max hung up and Katya checked the time, it was 6:45, she had about an hour to kill before she would have to change so she headed downstairs to grab a snack and toss her drink can.


By the time eight o'clock rolled around Katya was dressed and had laced up her boots. She was finishing adding some volume to her bleached hair and grabbing her bag (which coincidentally had Trixie's journal in it) when her text tone went off. It was Max, waiting outside for her.

Katya sauntered out and got into the passenger seat, she greeted Will and Courtney before buckling and smiling over to Max.

"How's my favourite hooker?"


Katya replied unenthusiastically. Clearly mocking the voice of a girl they knew named Alaska - causing the whole group to burst into laughter.

The acclamation of the four of them all gathered outside of the car and shuffled into the house (practically a mansion if you asked Katya) the party was being hosted at.

"Who's party is this anyway?"

Katya mumbled to Max.

"Some chick, Violet Chachki - I think? Her dad's like mega-rich because of some stock investments and a business ploy. I was invited by some kid in biology who gets stoned with some kid named Pearl who's friends with Violet."

Katya nodded and clutched onto her purse as she stepped through the front door and took a look around at the other party goers and attendees. She noticed a couple familiar faces from school including that of Trixie. (Mattel? Martel?).

Everyone turned to face a pale tall and slender girl with ebony hair and sharp eyes who was speaking into a microphone on the large ledge of a custom fire place.

"Hi! Thanks for coming to my party, I'd like to thank my father for providing me with the essentials needed to host this uh, get together -"

she paused and giggled at herself,

"- and I strongly suggest you all check out his growing franchise; Labels. I'd like to start off the night with a little Karaoke - and to start us off, my incredibly talented friend; Trixie! would you mind?"

Katya looked in Trixie's direction who was clearly stunned at the request and had no idea Violet was going to drag her into it.

{ A/N: Getting juiccyyyy - even i'm excited to see where this goes lmao, feedback is appreciated! }

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