Think About Love | 22

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Katya looked up at Trixie who was standing about several feet away in the drive way. Frozen in place.

She fretted for a moment, waiting for a response from Trixie felt like years...then she finally spoke.

"Oh my god."

Katya couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"That's all?"

Katya watched as Trixie squinted and rolled her eyes before running up to her and dropping her stuff so she could hold Katya's face in her hands gently.

"You're alive? - I'm not dreaming right?"

Katya nodded and smiled, she wiped the tears forming in Trixie's eyes while trying to stop her own.

"I am."

"You are!"
Trixie exclaimed.

As Trixie stepped forward the headphone jack pulled out from its slot in her phone and Think about love continued to play out loud from the speakers.

I can't forget you
ever since the moment that I met
you've been on my mind

Katya bit her lip and laughed softly before pulling the other girl in to hug her. Trixie fell into the hug and pushed her face into Katya's shoulder, she couldn't help but begin to cry.

Katya did the same.

and I need to
somehow let you know
that I think about you all the time

Trixie pulled back and looked up at the rain which was still pouring down and proceeded to look back at Katya.

Katya smiled gently and carefully brushed Trixie's chin where her make up had began to run, she noted the bruise but refrained from frowning for Trixie's sake.

so when you think about love
think about me
I can give you more
than you'll ever need


Katya looked back at Trixie's eye's and raised an eyebrow;


"I need to tell you something."


"I don't want to risk losing you somehow again for whatever reason and not have said this directly to you..."

sooner or later
every heart needs some company
when you think about love
think about me

Trixie paused and sniffled.

Katya nodded.

"I'm listening, Trix."

Trixie smirked at the nickname.

"I think-"
She paused and furrowed her brows together trying to find the right words to say.

"No... uhm."
Trixie sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Take your time"
Katya reassured her.

She took a breath and then exhaled deeply.

"I love you."

The rain continued to fall harder practically becoming a full-on storm now.

when you think about love
think about me

Katya sat quietly and held Trixie's face for a couple moments before leaning in to kiss her firmly.

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