Katya | 12

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{ TW* chapters from here on May Depict/suggest and describe physical and domestic violence / abuse. }

Katya had walked Trixie home the next morning they both knew her dad would've gotten annoyed and come snooping around eventually for her. Katya made sure to let her know if anything happened to just call her right away and leave.

As she walked back home it began to drizzle. She thought about What Trixie had told her; they were a lot more alike than Trixie knew but Katya wasn't going to
tell her about her personal struggles and trauma when she clearly needed to focus on over coming and settling her own.

They'd talked for awhile after Trixie came out to her. Katya finally accept her Buddy System offer and Trixie was to show her around the school come Monday, they also spoke about music and Trixie recommend mostly Dolly Parton songs but Katya didn't mind - she'd admired Trixie's love for Dolly, it was sweet and cute in it's own way.

She tucked her hands into her pockets as she walked home, looking up and closing her eyes to feel the rain on her forehead. People probably thought she was crazy but she enjoyed the rain and the feeling of it - it reminded her that she was alive and feeling and living.

Her life had not been perfect by far; her father was an abusive and toxic parental figure and husband who'd abandoned her and her mother and fled back to Russia to avoid American charges. She'd watched her mother suffer emotionally during the divorce and she herself grew angry and became problematic in her middle school years - she'd caused her own mom more grief than she'd already endured and she'd been draining to take care of and monitor.

She had gotten involved with some bad influences and started drinking at a young age to stop feeling so much and had harmed herself physically, she'd gone to doctors and different schools and still couldn't find a reason to stop or feel okay.

Then she found art.

She'd found something to put all of her self and soul into and commit to whenever she felt bad or hurt or wanted to drink or yell, she pulled out that book and drew all the feelings out or looked for the most beautiful people she could find and searched their souls through drawing portraits of them.

She wouldn't admit it but she'd been struggling again as of late and was trying her best to avoid being anti-social or falling prey to those bad habits and then out of the blue Tracy Martel entered her life right on cue.

She stopped in front of her front door and pulled out her phone and began typing;

"Meet me tonight, 12 AM, by the McDonald's closest to school."

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