Katya | 2

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Katya was what they called:

"a troubled child" -except she was a teenager and very much not troubled. She was everything, but. Angry, upset maybe, frustrated - at her father mostly. Over the last couple of years she'd started to feel normal again, but her mom's suggestion to move and attend a new school seemed to bring her back a notch and she could feel the fire of paranoia lighting in her stomach.

Katya sat back in the drivers seat of her car and took a couple deep breaths. She was parked in the schools junior lot and first block wasn't for at least another forty-five minutes. She'd shown up early as Mr. Richards had requested and was supposedly going to be buddies with some eccentric blonde named Tracy- or Trixie - she couldn't recall at the moment.

Katya only remembered the bright pink lipstick and how small the girl appeared clutching onto her school books even though she was definitely a slight bit taller than Katya herself stood. She flipped down her sun visor and fixed her lipstick in the mirror while she waited.

She flinched and almost swiped the tube of lipstick across her chin as a knock came from the passenger window of the car. Katya grabbed her bag and zipped it closed, looking over to find her new buddy.

"I'm Tracy - but most people call me Trixie." Trixie introduced herself and held out her hand nervously to Katya.

"Yekaterina, but I prefer Katya."

Katya didn't shake Trixie's hand.

"Good to know - uh so, I figured we'd start with a tour of the school, i'll try and make it quick -"

"I'm only here to make it look like I'm doing what the school board wants me todo and what my mother hopes I do, okay? Can you just check it off and pretend we went over the whole 'this is the cafeteria where everyone is separated into groups and cliques and these are my friends and i'm top of my class - and i'm perfect and oh Russia sounds interesting - conversation?' " She titled her head to look at Trixie who was clearly taken back.

Trixie stumbled over her words;

"I- uh - i, y-yea - sorry? I guess." She mumbled the last part and looked down at her feet.

She was used to everyone somewhat liking her and adoring her or even just wanting to be around her, she hadn't realized the bubblegum size ego that kind of attention created and somehow this foreign Russian teenager with red lipstick and lace up boots just bursted all of that semi-confidence with a simple lack of interest in the Tracy Martel.

Noticing the change on her face Katya quickly jumped in; "Not to burst your bubble or anything, but uh I'm just not looking for friends right now - and I don't want you to think we're gonna become best friends or some weird shit. This is just so I can have a normal life again and attend normal school again."

Trixie felt heat flood her cheeks and spoke up;

"I wasn't doing it to be friends, it was really just extracurricular and more volunteer work to put on my resume."

Trixie even felt the annoyance in her words, she felt bad the moment they left her mouth but she didn't take them back either. How could you be so possibly rude to someone you just met and barely even knew? She shook her head and folded up the paper.

"I'll check it off and hand it in in the next couple of weeks and you'll be cleared for whatever things you might've done that concerned them."

Katya felt the flame getting hotter, but she couldn't have a fit about things now - that would surely destroy any chance of rehabilitation into public school. She just nodded and swayed a bit on her feet, she admitted to herself that she shouldn't have been surprised and she deserved the attitude in some kind of way.

"see ya round." Trixie threw her bag over her shoulder as Katya walked away.

She could feel Trixie's stare burning a hole into the back of her head just like she could the day before, she hadn't realized until now that Trixie was the odd girl in the hallway. She chuckled to herself unintentionally and took out her phone as she headed to her locker, one message read:

"Going to some party on Friday, you coming?"

Katya thought about it briefly before agreeing

"Yea, see you there."

{ A/N: Sorry if this is starting off slow but I want to make sure the plot follows well and is actually good to read, this is my first Trixya fic so feedback is appreciated and I apologize If i missed any spelling or grammar errors, i just got home from work and I'm exhausted }

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