Chapter 1

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Staring up at the couple in front of her, Rachel smiled. A job well done, as usual. Two happy people stood before a priest reciting their handwritten vows - which was Rachel's idea of course. The bride stood proudly in her beautiful princess style wedding dress, she looked as though she had stepped out of a fairytale story and the groom, well, in his navy blue suit, his golden cuff links and the white tie it was pretty obvious they were the perfect couple.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest smiled as the happy couple slowly embraced, their lips slowly met and everyone began to clap.
Yeah, yeah. We get it. It's cute. They're married. Yay. Rachel rolled her eyes as the couple walked down the aisle, stepping on the pale pink rose petals that covered their path. Rachel rose from her seat, smiling politely at the bride before making her way to her car for a breather. Wedding planning was fun, it was a great way to make money and it wasn't something she was emotionally invested in. What job could be better? Rachel pulled out a packet of cigarettes, she gazed at the pack for a moment, hesitating. No, it was a job well done, you don't need a celebratory cigarette. Rachel shoved the pack of cigarettes into her bag, eager to skip the wedding reception like she usually does, she clambered into her car and left. Dealing with people celebrating 'marriage' wasn't something she enjoyed. It was a contract, a legal contract that's all. Some people say "Oh but it's all about declaring your love in front of all your friends and family, it's romantic!" No. Not in Rachel's eyes. If you're that desperate to announce your 'love' to everyone, make a video, send a postcard. There are simpler ways to declare your love, other than spending a fortune on a wedding. Rachel turned the key in her ignition, at least this wedding was a hefty pay check.

'Rachel was fantastic! She really helped myself and my now husband capture the magic of marriage. She planned everything to a tee, it was the most magical, perfect day of our lives and the perfect start to married life! Rachel is the best wedding planner out there! Definitely recommend her!' Rachel smiled reading the new review from the happy couple she had just helped, it was nice to receive such kind reviews. Rachel knew she was good at her job, she knew she was the best wedding planner in the city. Her ability to distance herself from the belief of marriage and the whole concept of soulmates and love and romance made her that much better at her job. She didn't have anything else on her mind, no thinking about how perfect the couple was, how much they loved each other, if they'd have kids and be happy for eternity. Just a folder of what they wanted, a folder of their dreams was all she needed to be great at her job.
"Rachel, a gentleman is asking if you could see him?" Imogen chirped, Rachel leaned back in her chair. Imogen, her little sister, worked here part time as a receptionist.
"Does he have an appointment?" Rachel raises an eyebrow.

"No? But he wondered if you could spare a moment? He's willing to pay for your time." Imogen shrugged. "He looks pretty desperate."
Rachel sighed heavily, she grabbed a hair tie from her desk and tied her chestnut hair into a high ponytail.

"Fine. Bring him in. Get me a coffee whilst you're up?" Rachel closed her laptop lid and pulled out a small black notebook and her favourite pen, preparing for the endless demands of another soon to be married man.
Imogen left the room, only to return just as quickly as she left with the man in question. He stood tall, a tan blazer covered a stained blue shirt, his pants could only be described as some jeans/chino combination topped off with a pair of formerly white trainers. And he's getting married? To who? Rachel shook her head slightly before standing up and offering her hand out. Professional Rachel had been activated.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Anderson." The man took her hand and shook it firmly, she could tell he was nervous because his hands were cold and clammy.

"Brian, Brian Nelson." He stuttered nervously, he ran his hands through his black hair, his brown eyes darting around the room.

"So what can I do for you today Brian? Are you looking to book an appointment to go over what you and your future bride want? We can discuss venues, colour schemes, flowers, catering. If you tell me what you want i can organise a folder with everything in so you and your future bride can choose what you'd like and we can go from there?" Rachel smiled brightly, she had said that so many times it was like an automatic response for her.

"Uh, that's the thing, I'm not actually engaged yet." Brian shuffled his feet, unable to meet Rachel's piercing gaze. Rachel forced herself to smile, she didn't want to show her utter annoyance at this idiot who was wasting her time.

"Then why are you here Mr. Nelson?" Rachel said through gritted teeth, keeping the painted smile upon her face.

"I need your help proposing to my girlfriend - now I know it sounds crazy but I have an explaination!" Brian stuttered, he watched Rachel's demeanour change, her confident welcome appearance had contorted into an annoyed, fed up, impatient woman who wouldn't think twice about throwing him out of the office.

"Well? I'm waiting?" Rachel sighed, time wasters were not one of her favourite things. It was rare of course in her line of work, but time wasters did appear. Those who couldn't pay, those who ended up breaking off their engagement days before their wedding - it happened. Rachel was annoyed, she didn't want to give this man the time of day but today, she was feeling exceptionally nice.

"Okay, bare with me." Brian began to pace the hardwood floors of the office, his hands running through his hair and rubbing his face. "Look, my family owns a massive advertising company, you'd be well paid and I'd advertise your company everywhere in Arkington I promise." He began, he looked at Rachel for some sort of reaction, annoyance still remained fixed on her face.
"My girlfriend, I love her dearly but I'm terrible with romance. I'm always messing things up, saying the wrong thing and the thing is, she's a hopeless romantic you know?" Brian smiled softly. "She always reads those books filled with romance and love, she loves the idea of a fairytale wedding, a romantic engagement." Brian looked towards Rachel with a pleading look in his eyes. "I'm clueless, I don't know what I'm doing right now, I just want to make her happy. I promise I'll pay you double for helping me with proposing and I'll use you as my wedding planner - if she says yes - but I'm begging you, please help me?" Brian breathed, his eyes gazing into Rachel's. He noticed a flicker, whether it was frustration or the promise of money, he noticed them soften.

"Okay, I'll help you." Rachel rolled her eyes and offered him her hand once again, "You're in excellent hands, Mr. Nelson!" She beamed, her mind racing with thoughts and ideas as she watched the relief spread over Brian's face.

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