Chapter 12

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Rachel was stood at the entrance to her office, still in shock from watching Nancy parade herself around and verbally abuse her. The hostility radiating off of the woman before her made Rachel uneasy - but one thing was certain, Rachel was not a pushover.
Rachel took a moment to look at the woman who had definitely made herself at home in her office. Perfect jet black hair curled to perfection – she looked like a mermaid from a fairytale. Her make up look like it had been done by a professional make-up artist, Rachel could never hope to do a smokey eye as perfect as she did. Nancy smoothed down her knee length pencil skirt and rose to her feet, her black stilettos clicking against the wooden floor. "What's your relationship to Luke?" Nancy folded her arms across her powder pink shirt, it didn't sound that much like a question to Rachel. It sounded more like an accusation than anything else. 

"Brian, his brother -" Rachel tried to explain.

"I know who Brian is. I was engaged to Luke. In case you'd forgotten!" Nancy sneered, Rachel felt anger bubbling within her, a fiery burning sensation swirled around her stomach.

"If you want me to explain, which I shouldn't have to do to his ex-fiancé, then how about you shut up and actually let me talk?" Rachel gave Nancy her best smile, she watched Nancy's face distort with jealousy.

"Hurry up and explain then!" Nancy slammed herself back onto the sofa, Rachel rose from her chair and leaned on the desk.

"Brian is a client of mine, Annie and he, well, they are engaged and they are getting married. Luke was helping Brian prepare for everything, considering he had done it before. Luke and I have grown close and we're good friends, but we aren't anything else just yet." Rachel shrugged. "We are going out for dinner, I won't lie to you, I do think I might like him. But it doesn't have anything to do with you." Rachel watched Nancy, the jealousy had gone and Rachel could clearly see the look of sadness and regret that had washed over Nancy.  Nancy shook her head, as though she refused to hear what Rachel was saying, the vicious gaze returned to her eyes.

"Oh, you like him do you?" Nancy rose to her feet, Rachel took a step back. What on earth was wrong with this woman? 

"I said maybe, I don't have to explain anything to you." Rachel had really had enough of this woman. Coming into her office and attacking her verbally, it had riled Rachel to her boiling point. "Listen, you're the one who cheated on Luke with his best friend. You've come into my office acting like you're the one who discovered Luke was having some sort of affair!" Rachel raised her voice. "Newsflash! He didn't. You did. Luke is finally moving on, getting his head back on track and making a life for himself and you can't stand it can you? You can't stand the fact that he can live without you, that he doesn't need you. He never did need you, Nancy, you're the one who needed him. He's fine without you!" Rachel snapped, she watched the confidence from Nancy's demeanour shrink and fall away. "You're the one who ruined your relationship with him, not Luke, not me, you did that all by yourself. And now? Now you have the audacity to come into my workplace, where I work and make a living for myself, which I did all by myself, and personally attack me when I've done nothing wrong apart from going on a date with your ex." Rachel threw her arms in the air with frustration. "Guess what? Luke doesn't care how you feel anymore and neither do I. We're dating. There is nothing you can do about that!" Rachel opened her office door, scowling at nancy as she did so.
"Now either get out of my office and retain what dignity you have left, or I'll call the police. It's your choice." Rachel pointed out of the door and nancy, she didn't take it well.

"Who do you think you are?!" Nancy screamed but Rachel refused to show fear, she stood her ground.

"I'm a business owner, not some low life gold digger like you Nancy. Now get the hell out of my office!" Rachel shouted. Rachel could hear imogen shuffling about trying to hear better. "I mean it." Nancy scoffed, as though she was calling Rachel's bluff. "Imogen, can you call the police please? Tell them there's a crazed woman in my office causing a scene?" Rachel called to imogen.

"On it!" Imogen called over to Rachel. Nancy could hear imogen typing onto a phone but she stood her ground.

"999 whats your emergency?"

"Police please, we have a tresspasser." Imogen said.

"Connecting you now." the operator said.

"Okay, I'm going!" Nancy grabbed her bag with haste.

"Too late, we're still going to report you." Rachel folded her arms across her chest. "Now get the hell out of my office!" She seethed, Nancy scurried out of her office with haste, rushing passed Imogen who was currently reporting the situation to the police.

"What the hell have i gotten myself into?" Rachel muttered under her breath.

"She came to your office?" Luke frowned from across the table, they had decided to have a lunch date instead of an evening date, mainly because Luke had a client he had to see at 5 and he didn't know when it would finish.

"It's fine Luke, I mean I had to report her to the police because frankly, she was scary as hell. But there is something I want to ask you... if that's okay?" Rachel placed her hands around the steaming cup of coffee that sat on the coaster before her, she gently picked the cup up and took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee.

"Ask away," Luke replied.

"Do you still have feelings for Nancy? Anything at all? I just want to know, I don't want to go into this blind and then be hurt later down the line." Rachel sipped the bitter brown liquid, the aroma instantly relaxed Rachel.

"No," Luke said firmly. "I'd be lying if I said I hated her because at one point I did love her, but I don't feel anything for her any more. No love, no hate, no resentment. Nothing." Luke watched Rachel put her coffee down on the coaster, he gently placed his hand on hers. "I am excited, for the first time in a long time to get to know a lovely, fiery, assertive and ambitious woman such as yourself. I have feelings for no one else, that's a promise." Luke's eyes crinkled as he gave Rachel his best reassuring smile. Rachel felt her stomach flip, a smile forced its way onto her face, her cheeks felt hot as the words left his lips.

"I sound like one of those crazy jealous girls or something now don't I?" Rachel giggled, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Not at all," Luke reassured Rachel. "You needed clarity on a situation you were unfamiliar with, that is normal. Don't worry." Luke smiled as his fingers started to play with the tips of Rachels' fingers, as though asking for permission to hold her hand. Rachel opened her hand and grabbed Lukes' hands and entwined her fingers in his. There was a strange sense of fear about this, about the way just holding Lukes' hand made Rachel feel... safe. Something she was definitely unfamiliar with. It was something she had not felt in the presence of a man, for a very long time.

"This - this is nice Luke. I'm glad we decided to do this." Rachel stuttered, she knew she was showing Luke how nervous she was, how vulnerable she could be. For Rachel, this was a massive risk, letting someone know how vulnerable she could be - it was unheard of for her. She didn't like people knowing she had weaknesses, if people know, they can use it against you. They can manipulate your weaknesses for their gain.

"You're over-thinking it again aren't you?" Luke smirked at Rachels' face as the realisation hit her. She was terrible at thinking without plastering her emotions over her face.

"Yes." Rachel nodded with a sigh.

"That's fine. You wouldn't be you if you didn't. It's one of the many things I like about you." Luke looked into her eyes. "I know it bothers you, being this open with someone else, we can take this as slow as you need to." he tightened his grip on her hand ever so slightly as if he was giving her a reassuring squeeze, letting her know everything would be okay. "And don't worry about Nancy, I'll make sure she never bothers you again. Don't worry."

"Thanks, for being patient with me Luke." Rachel returned the squeeze with her hand. "I have to meet Brian and Annie soon, so I'm going to have to get a move on." before Rachel realised, she had let out a disappointed sigh which made Luke smirk playfully.

"Are you sad our time is up?" he chuckled playfully, Rachel scowled.

"Shut up." she couldn't help but smile, the playful look on Lukes' face, the way his eyes glistened when he laughed, the way his lips curved into a half smile, half smirk when he was making jokes... it was almost impossible to stay angry at that face.

"I'll message you later then." Luke rose from his chair, Rachel followed suit and moved towards Luke for a handshake. He raised an eyebrow curiously at Rachel before pulling her into an embrace. His arms firmly wrapped around her waist, her arms under his, touching the middle of his back. She could smell the sweetness of his cologne, she could feel the beating of his heart. Her stomach swirled so much she thought she would hurl, her head fell softly onto his chest. The bustling coffee shop seemed silent, empty at that moment. It felt as though they were the only two people in the world.

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