Chapter 15

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It was just under a week until Brian and Annie's wedding. Rachel paced around the room. She had already booked them an old fashioned church and found a priest who would marry them. She had organised a five-star hotel to host the meal and the reception. A DJ, caterer, florist and wait staff had all been sorted too. Annie's dress had to be adjusted because of her height, so the dress would be delivered to Brian today, along with the bridesmaid outfits, grooms-men suits and Brian's suit. Rachel had pretty much completed everything she could, she had organised absolutely everything, from the decorum at the church to the coasters at the hotel. She had informed Annie earlier that day that everything was done, there was nothing left for her to do apart from wait until the wedding. She had seen Luke a few times in-between the weeks, but it wasn't predominantly on her mind because she knew if she thought too much about it all, she would probably realise she didn't just like him. After all, they had known each other for nearly three months now and things had gotten quite intense, very quickly.

"Rachel?" Imogen brought Rachel back to reality. "You were making coffee remember?"

"Yeah, I'll make you some. Get your dirty shoes off of my sofa and don't step on my rug!" Rachel hissed.

"Is this because Lukes coming round later for some drinks?" Imogen teased, Rachel shot her a look that would probably kill somebody if it was able too. Imogen shrank back and let her sister make the coffee.

"I spoke to dad today, he seemed well," Imogen whispered almost inaudibly. Rachel nodded.

"Cool. Glad he's still alive." Rachel was unable to hide her sarcasm.

"I know things happened between you two but he's still your dad..." Imogen tried to reason with her hot-headed sister. "maybe it would be worth it to give him a chance?"

Rachel sighed, she knew deep down her sister could possibly, maybe, have a point. "Imi, I love you and I don't want us to argue so please stop pushing this. I'm not ready." Rachel slammed her coffee cup down on the glass table, spilling droplets of coffee all over the glass.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Imogen nodded. "When you're ready you'll reach out right?" Imogen knew pushing her sister into something wouldn't be the best idea. Rachel was temperamental and too much pressure, well, it would probably cause her to break.

Maybe with time, Rachel could learn to forgive her father because she didn't necessarily have to forget, but forgiving him may give him some closure to the past and maybe it would give her some closure too. It was something she needed to consider, she couldn't hold onto the past forever could she? She was so rude and blunt with so many people in her past because of her past, she had caused herself to suffer. No friends, because she was bitter and cruel, no lovers because she was untrusting and suspicious. Rachel desperately wanted to blame her father for all of it, all the pain and hurt she felt she wanted to slap the blame on him but deep down, a part of her knew it was not all his fault. It was her fault too. But right now, it wasn't the time, the wounds still felt too fresh and raw to even consider a reconciliation just yet. Even the thought of seeing his face made Rachel bubble with anger. Too much had happened to forgive him overnight, it would take time.

"Anyway, I'll drink this and get out of your hair so you can get ready to see Luke." Imogen smiled brightly at her sister. She was happy that Rachel may have actually found someone who could deal with her moods.

"Thanks, Imi. Thanks." Rachel walked over to where Imogen was sitting, she pulled her sister upright and hugged her tight. "Sometimes I can't always be the big sister but that's okay. You're a pretty good intern big sister." Rachel chuckled. She felt Imogen's body shake as they both laughed in each other's arms.

Luke leaned forward, he gently pressed his lips to Rachels, his hands cupping her face as they shared each others passion. Rachel felt her heart pound, her breath becoming more ragged. Luke smiled as he kissed Rachel, he had waited too long to do this, too long to let Rachel know how special she truly was to him. Too long to actually kiss her. Luke pulled away slightly. "I'm sorry it took me so long to actually kiss you."

"Shut up." Rachel grabbed his tie and pulled him into her, their kissing becoming more and more passionate with each breath they took. "Stay here the night," Rachel whispered seductively into Lukes' ear, he felt his stomach whirl as he nodded slowly.

"Okay," he whispered, breathlessly. He leaned in towards Rachel and kissed her once more.

"Where's my shirt?" Luke walked around Rachels living room in just a pair of jeans, Rachel smirked as she leaned back on the sofa, watching him walk around the room. "Oi. Stop perving on me and help me find my shirt. I have to meet Brian today for the suit fitting. That you organised!" he pouted, he would rather have stayed here with Rachel all day, lounging on the sofa, watching box sets and eating crap but he had things to do - and he knew if he didn't do them Brian would be on his back and the worst part? Rachel would probably kill him.

"It's under my skirt." Rachel smiled.

"Are you...?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

"No! I've got pyjamas on, I went up to grab them last night whilst you were sleeping." Rachel smirked as she flashed him her sesame street pyjamas. "See?" she stuck her tongue out.

"I am suddenly very aware of the fact I am half naked." Luke chuckled as he grabbed his shirt. He pulled it over his arms, Rachel climbed off of the sofa and skipped towards him. She grabbed the shirt and began to button it up for him. "I can do this myself you know." he raised an eyebrow.

"I know but then I wouldn't be able to do this..." Rachel buttoned the top button and straightened out the collar on the shirt. She gently kissed Luke on his lips and smiled.

"Ahhh, I love you." Luke giggled at how cute and vulnerable Rachel had become around him, he froze. He realised what he had said. The L word. Rachel would run a mile, he would never see her again. She would become distant, maybe she would move to another country? Maybe she would change her name...

"I love you," Rachel whispered as she kissed Luke once more. Knowing Luke felt the same as she did, it reassured her, it made it feel okay to share her feelings with him. "You've put up with my moods, the way I come across sometimes, you've made me a better person in these past few months and for once? I'm finally happy." she smiled.

"So, you believe in love now huh?" Luke gave her the same cocky arrogant smirk that he had given her when they first met in her office.

"I guess... yeah, I do." she nodded as though she was finally admitting it to herself. "You helped me do that."

"Nah, you did it on your own Rachel. you're right, you have become such a different person - in the best possible way since we started seeing each other. But each day, you're growing into this amazing woman and it's a joy to watch. You definitely did this yourself." Luke placed his arms around Rachels' waist and pulled her into him. Their bodies touching, their faces inches apart. "Can I ask you something?"


"Want to be my date for my brothers' wedding?" Luke smiled. "This amazing wedding planner has organised everything, she's amazing and it would be a shame for you not to see it first hand."

"It sounds like you may think of her as more than just a wedding planner." Rachel playfully pushed Luke.

"She is beautiful, I mean you would be pretty daft if you didn't find her charming and alluring." Luke grinned.

"Alluring? Is she some sort of mythical siren who lures men to death?" Rachel raised an eyebrow.

Luke lost it, he laughed at Rachels serious face, which caused Rachel to pout. Moments like these made Luke realise how much he truly did love her. These tiny imperfections that she believed she had, made her so much more perfect in his eyes. He brought his hand to Rachels' face, gently cupping her blushing cheek.

"I love you, Rachel."

"I Love you, Luke." Rachel beamed, glancing up at Lukes grinning face. Rachel was happy for the first time in forever, she couldn't imagine what things would have been like if she hadn't of accepted Brians' unusual request. She couldn't wait for Brian and Annie's wedding or her future with Luke and her dad? Well that would probably come with time but for now, she could honestly say, she was happy. Who knew, that on the day Brian came into her office, it would change her life so dramatically? Everything seemed to be settled for now, and Rachel, could finally relax and enjoy herself a little more. Nothing was perfect, nothing ever is, but this was as close to perfection as Rachel could hope for and it was more than enough.

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