Chapter 11

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The warmth, the comforting warmth. Rachel snuggled into her pillow, refusing to let the sunlight that was streaming through a gap in her curtains wake her up. She grabbed the corner of the duvet, snuggling it into her chest as though she was cuddling into a person. Her head pounding with every tiny movement, the light burning her eyes, the way her tongue felt like sandpaper as she moved it around her mouth. Water. She needed water. But she did not want to move from the comfort of her bed, she knew if she moved again, her head would feel as though it would explode and she would probably hurl everything her stomach had in it. "Rachel?" Imogen called from behind the bedroom door.

"Why are you in my house?" Rachel groaned. "Come in." Imogen opened the bedroom door, she took one look at her ragged sister and sighed.

"Hangover?" she opened her handbag and offered Rachel the bottle of water, it was ice cold. Rachel slowly pulled herself into an upright position, groaning and complaining the whole time. She quickly opened the bottle and gulped down the cool, refreshing water. It soothed her rough tongue and her dry mouth.

"So, I'm here because Brian is at your office, with his brother. Brian asked me to tell you, he doesn't want an engagement party, Annie doesn't want one either. But Annie wants to set the date, for the 13th of August." Imogen read from her phone, it was obvious she had taken notes to remember the information.

"That... that's four weeks away!" Rachel sputtered, water showered Imogen's feet. Imogen rolled her eyes and scowled at Rachel.

"Yeah but remember that couple who wanted to get married within two weeks? You did it and made it great. You can do this." Imogen reassured Rachel. It wasn't the whole time frame that made Rachel worry, it was the fact that one month ago Brian didn't even know Annie's' favourite band! Was he so desperate to rush this for himself or for her? Or is he just that excited to marry the woman he loves he can't wait? "Also, Luke asked if you're free tonight? Something about you've not answered his text and he was wondering if you were okay after your drinking session last night!" Imogen had started off her sentence normally, but her voice had got progressively squeakier as she went on.

"Shush, you're too loud." Rachel waved her hand dismissively. "I'll text him shortly, and I'll rearrange with Brian. Let me get dressed and I'll come into the office." Rachel groaned.

"Not until you tell me about Luke!" Imogen slammed down on the bed, which made Rachel sway. Immediately Rachel covered her mouth and made a gipping sound.

"Don't ever do that again." Rachel scowled. "Luke, he's a nice guy, he's attractive and I don't hate his company," Rachel mumbled.

"Company? Is he rich?" Imogen's eyes lit up like fireworks, Rachel exhaled deeply. Her sister was very... well, she was a bit of an idiot.

"No, like I don't mind being around him, he's - well - we get on." Rachel rubbed her arm, her cheeks began to glow.

"Yeah, you do!" Imogen tried to make the conversation a little suggestive but the look of annoyance on Rachels' face soon made her stop.

"Why don't you go and make me a coffee and by the time it's done I'll be dressed and ready to go?" Rachel peeled back the duvet, the cool air hit her skin causing her to shudder.

"Sure, I'll grab you some aspirin too for your head." Imogen made her way out.

"Thanks, Imi." Rachel smiled warmly at her younger sister, regardless of what happened between the adults, they had always been close.

"No problem." Imogen beamed before making her way to the kitchen. Rachel sighed as she pulled herself up out of bed, which used most of her strength. She quickly pulled on an outfit and dragged herself towards the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

The fresh flowers stood proudly in the corner on the receptionist desk that Imogen manned. Tulips and lilies, with daisies and carnations. They truly were beautiful. The fresh, sweet smell woke Rachel up a little as she shuffled through the lobby into her office.
"I think Brian and luke are still in there waiting for you." Imogen looked confused as she spoke, Rachel shook her head. Her sister truly was what one would call a 'Ditz'.

"why would you leave them in my office with confidential files?" Rachel hissed, Imogen shrank back a little before she handed Rachel a bar of chocolate.

"I'm sorry." Imogen batted her long eyelashes, silently pleading with her older sister to forget about the discipline today.

"Just... contact that venue the Durhams want and can you chase up the flower arrangement for the Eccles' wedding?" Rachel asked.

"Yup!" Imogen grinned as she plodded herself down at her desk and began typing away with haste. Rachel smiled to herself before opening her office door. Luke wasn't there, neither was Brian but someone was definitely sat on her sofa. Someone she had not expected to see.

"Uh, hello there. Who are you?" Rachel painted on her usual business smile.

"My name is Nancy, I believe I saw you with my ex-fiance last night?" Nancy gave Rachel her fakest smile before rising to her feet. "It's so nice to meet you!" Rachel could almost see the sarcasm dripping from Nancy's mouth. Rachel forced a sigh down, this was the last thing she needed whilst feeling so hungover. Rachel had so many questions. How did she know Rachel worked here? Why was she here? Was she a psychotic woman? Did she have a weapon? Rachel knew one thing for sure, today would be a long day. She watched as Nancy began to walk around the office, staring at the certificates on the wall. "Wedding planner?" Nancy laughed. "It'll definitely a downgrade from me." She turned to Rachel, a vicious smile on her face. "Look at you, brown hair, green eyes and all dressed up, jus like you work - well, like you work at Wall Street!" A shrill chuckle filled the air, "Oh god, sorry this is just too funny." Nancy put a hand on her chest as she chuckled to herself. Rachel stood still, bewildered by the scene that was unfolding before her. "Aren't you going to say anything? Does your brain actually work?" Nancy waved sarcastically in front of Rachel, she inched closer to Rachels face. "In case you didn't know exactly who I am, I'm Nancy, I'm the woman who Luke is in love with."

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