Chapter 8

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Recovering from the shock, Rachel leaned back in her chair. She hasn't expected Brian to say something like that to her.

"I want to propose now. Today."

He wasn't ready, Rachel wanted him to go on these dates to make sure he knew everything he needed to know before proposing. And for Annie to know exactly who Brian was, inside and out, before accepting the proposal. If he proposed now, they'd be spending a couple of months, maybe a year, organising their wedding. It would give them some time to get to know each other more and make sure it was the right decision but it was risky. Rachel was dumbfounded and by the look of shock on Luke's face, so was he.

"Are you sure? Rachel knows what she's doing. Maybe you should..." Luke ran his hands through his hair, Brian cut him off before he could continue.

"I'm sure. I want to propose today. I'm taking her to the garden you told me about and proposing." Brian beamed, he seemed so proud of himself. For once, Rachel actually hesitated. She didn't want to crush Brian's dreams. Two weeks ago he entered her office, messy and unorganised, someone Rachel wouldn't have dreamed of helping. Now? Now she couldn't break this poor mans heart by saying no.

"Okay firstly, the garden is reservation only." Rachel picked up the landline telephone on her desk and tapped in a number. "Teresa it's Rachel from Simply Wed, I understand you're very busy but I have an emergency." Rachel glanced at Brian. "Yes, I need the garden tonight. No I don't need anyone to prep it, I can do that myself. Yes, oh, okay. Thanks Teresa, email me the details. Okay. Thanks." Rachel clicked the phone back in its holder.

"Well?" Brian asked expectantly, his eyes glimmering with that emotion, that emotion Rachel hated. Hope.

"8 P.M. dinner in the garden. I'll have to do the props and the food but that's easy enough for me. You'll have until 22:30 P.M to propose as the gardens close. It's the best I can do." Rachel frowned, she was disappointed in herself. She wanted the proposal to be perfect but now, it would be what she would call plain and average.

"I can help you do the props!" Luke said. "I'm my own boss so I can make time." He added, trying to play it cool.

"Then it's settled. Have you got a ring?" Rachel asked, Brian fumbled in his pocket for a moment before producing a small red box. He opened it and revealed a beautiful silver band, engraved with flowers that were golden. It had two small diamonds at the top of the ring and in between them was a beautiful small amethyst gem. Rachel gazed in awe. "I-it's beautiful."

"I wish my ex thought so." Luke chuckled. "It was the one I proposed to Jessica with but she said it wasn't elegant enough and wanted to chose her own ring. I gave it to Brian for when he was ready to propose to Annie." Rachel watched Luke's face as he shrugged, his eyes sad and distant.

"Well I'm sure Annie will love it!" Rachel gave Brian a grin. "Have you done your speech like I asked days ago?"

"All done, here read it." Brian handed her the paper. Rachel read the words scribbled onto the paper, Brian held his breath waiting for the final verdict.

"Honestly?" She looked up from the paper. "It's beautiful. It really captures how much you truly love her." A pang of sadness washed over Rachel. The words were heartfelt, they weren't too cheesy and they captured every ounce of love that Brian had for Annie. It was truly beautiful.

"Then lets get this show on the road!" Luke slapped his hands on his thighs before standing up. "We have an engagement to plan!"

Rachel grunted as she tugged the fairy lights through the rose shrubs, wrapping them around the plant. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and let out a sigh of relief.
"Fairy lights are almost done!" Rachel shouted.

"Table is set, lanterns are done too. They're all up the path illuminating it!" Luke called to her. "Just one more bush to do."

Rachel wanted to make an innuendo but thought better of it, instead she smiled like she had a secret as she grabbed the last 3 meters of fairy lights. Luke pulled the stepladder closer to the 6ft tall bush and attempted to climb it, only to be stopped by Rachel.
"I'll do it." She pushed him out of the way and climbed the ladder, with the fairy lights over her shoulder. She began to unravel the lights, weaving the wire in and out of the branches.

"So He sprung that on us." Luke shrugged as he watched Rachel, she was focused and had a serious look on her face. Luke couldn't help but chuckle as he watched her concentration face. Her tongue slightly stuck out of her mouth, peeking through the left side of her lips.

"What's so funny?" Rachel frowned.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how serious you look." Luke smirked, he found it hilarious winding Rachel up.

"This is serious! My plan has been ruined. I wanted Brian to take his time, to make sure he knew everything he needed to before having this extravagant proposal and now it's going to be mediocre because i can't do everything I wanted to do for him!" Rachel turned quickly to rant some more. Her foot slid on the metal ladders, through the gap. She was light... it hit her that she was falling. Her eyes closed tightly, she braced herself for her body to slam into the concrete path beneath her, this would surely hurt. She couldn't afford to be in the hospital, she had too many clients who needed her right now. She waited for the thud, she waited to feel her body slam and crack as the concrete blocked her fall.

"You're lighter than I expected." Luke's voice made her open her eyes. His beautiful eyes inches away from her face, his mouth turned upwards into a smirk as he watched the realisation hit her. She was in his arms. It was so cliche, that Rachel couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. Although she wasn't exactly in the position that the movies portrayed, it was similar. He had caught her with both arms but her head was on his shoulder facing away from him, he had mainly caught her torso. Rachel was suddenly aware of where his hands where. His muscular arms were securely wrapped around her chest, his hands just under her breasts. Rachel pulled away, she had to before it became completely obvious to Luke that she didn't exactly hate that. She didn't exactly hate how close they were, how she could feel his heart beating against her back, how she felt the warmth of his skin against her own.

"T-thanks." Rachel smoothed down her blazer, she smoothed back her hair and sighed. "We should, er, get this done." Rachel clambered up the ladder to continue the lights.

"What shampoo do you use?" Luke asked, Rachel stopped what she was doing. What a weird question.

"I use the Shea butter and almond oil shampoo. Why?" Rachel said, a confused frown upon her face.

"It smells like cookies, just like what my mum makes. My mum makes these cookies and they have almond pieces in them instead of chocolate chips. Every time I walk by a bakery and smell almonds it just makes me feel like I'm at home again." Luke smiled fondly at the memory, Rachel blinked, did he just say she smelt like home?

"Sorry, I do that sometimes." Luke's face flushed slightly. "I remember something and just talk and talk."

"It's okay." Rachel continued to do the lights. Luke smiled and began to help her wrap the lights around the branches. In almost an inaudible whisper rachel said. "I enjoy your company...."

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