Chapter 7

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"Honestly!" Annie laughed, Brian couldn't help but grin as he saw the pure joy on Annie's face.

"I can't believe that, you snuck backstage and stole his guitar pick?" Brian sipped his wine, watching the happiness flow through the woman he loved, he felt so content within this moment.

"Yep!" She opened her purse up and pulled out a worn guitar pick. "Security caught us but they didn't realise I'd taken it!" She tucked the guitar pick back in her purse. "I'm glad I could tell you this. I was a bit reluctant..." Annie blushed. "It sounds silly to gush about a band doesn't it?"

"Not at all. I love listening to you talk." Brian grabbed the bottle of red wine from the table. "Do you want the last glass?"

"Sure!" Annie held out her empty wine glass, Brian poured the red wine into her glass. "Harry is my ex boyfriend, it's why I am - was - a little nervous about telling you about the band." Annie blushed, Brian wasn't sure if the redness spreading over her face was the wine or the admission she had just made. Either way, he didn't care. Brian didn't care who her ex boyfriend was, he didn't care about who she'd been with. He only cared about making her the happiest women alive.

"It's fine Annie, I don't care who your ex partner is." Brian's hand found Annie's, he entwined their fingers. "I'm glad you told me. I'll definitely listen to them." Annie smiled at Brian, a wave of relief washed over her.

"Well, I have work in the morning, do you want to split the bill?" Annie asked, Brian shook his head side to side.

"I'll pay. It's my treat, I've let you down Annie, I haven't been as attentive as a partner should be." Brian waved at the waiter. "I'll take care of this, you take the car home and get some rest." He gave her a warm smile, Annie couldn't believe how attentive and caring Brian had been this evening. He had hung onto every word she said, listened intently - he had made her feel as though she was the most important person in the world. It had been such a long time since she had felt like this. Annie rose to her feet, she kissed Brian on the forehead before leaving the restaurant.

Brian smoothed out the grey tie Rachel had chosen for him, he looked at his reflection in the window he was walking by and smiled. Luke had given him a bit of a makeover, he had taken him to a proper barbers for a hair cut and a shave, he had helped Brian choose some nice shirts and trousers for his upcoming dates with Annie. The date had gone well, he had learned so much more about Annie than he had thought he would. He already knew the important things like how she took her coffee, how she liked her food, but he had learned stories about her he'd of never have guessed. Brian stood at the busy bus stop, he pulled out his phone, put in his headphones and typed in the name of Annie's favourite band. The gentle guitar melodies echoed through the headphones, he could hear the passion in the singers voice as he sung about a love that was lost. This was good, it wasn't exactly the rock music Brian enjoyed but nevertheless it was enjoyable. Brian paused the music as a realisation hit him, and it hit him hard. The way he had been throughout the relationship, it was selfish and ignorant. He had been so content with knowing the bare minimum about Annie, they had both become absorbed in their own lives, sharing fleeting moments within their home. Tonight was the start of something new, Brian vowed to himself that date nights would become a regular occurrence, he would spend everyday asking Annie about her day, he would consistently make sure Annie felt safe. That she felt comfortable telling him about about her day. With a newfound resolve Brian couldn't help but grin, he had a good feeling about all this.

"Rachel, Brian and Luke are here." Imogen whispered, Rachel nodded and waved her hand dismissively as she paced around her office, her work phone glued to her ear. "Shall I send them in?" Imogen asked, Rachel gave her a nod before continuing to pace. Moments later Brian and Luke shuffled into her office.

"Well that isn't good enough now is it?" Rachel spat, Brian and Luke looked at her in shock before they realised her anger wasn't directed at them. Relieved, they sat down on the sofa, watching Rachel pace aggressively around the small office. "My clients have had this hall booked for months, and you're now telling me you've given their spot to somebody else?" Rachel paused for a moment. "That's fine, as the only wedding planner who has contracts to use your hall, I'll boycott you." A sinister smile played upon Rachel's lips. "That's right, I bring an average of 20 clients per quarter. It's a lot more than you used to receive isn't it?" Rachel slammed herself down into her desk chair. "You're the ones who have done this to yourselves! You basically shoved my client aside for someone who paid you off. It's ridiculous. I'll be letting all the wedding planners in this area know that you lack integrity and cannot be trusted with clients!" Rachel's voice was hoarse. "I won't send anyone your way and I'll make sure the public know what kind of people you are!" Rachel smiled, she was smug about something. "If you do that then I suppose I can forget about this situation... email me the confirmation and I'll ask my client to consider it." Rachel clicked on her touchscreen to end the call. She looked apologetically at Brian and Luke, "Just give me a moment, would you like some tea or coffee? Just ask Imogen and she will sort you something to drink." Rachel gave them her best smile before tapping on her phone once more. "Rebecca hi, it's Rachel. Sorry to call you so early but I just wanted to let you know that the venue have given you a 40% discount! I'm glad you're happy. I'll see you at your rehearsal dinner tomorrow. Goodbye!" Rachel sighed in relief as she put the phone down.

"You're scary." Brian mumbled, he hadn't realised he had said that out loud.

"I'm only scary if you cross me." Rachel smirked. "Did the date go well?" Rachel pulled out her notebook and pen, ready to write away.

"Actually there's something I need to tell you..." Brian mumbled as he pulled on his fingers.

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