Hi! Again (Romania)

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Your POV:

That was terrifying... I thought vampires didn't exist. Romania is supposed to be calming, not scary...

Your thoughts crawled around in circles inside your head from that encounter in the castle. You laid down on your bed in your room and read a book about the folklore in Romania.

One day here and now I don't want to go outside again. Wow, I guess each country has their fair share of odd stories and myths. I can't tell apart what's real or fiction anymore.

You thought as you read through a couple of pages.

After a while, you started to drift off into sleep, until you hear a soft tap on your window. You wanted to ignore it after today, but you gave in, got up and opened the window. You didn't see anything in the foggy darkness. Then, the same man from today appeared right in front of you. You jumped in surprise and fell straight on your butt.

He climbed through the window and entered your room, helping you back on your feet. You let go of him and started to shake.

"If you're going to drink my blood and kill me, please make it quick." You managed to say, exposing your neck with your hand. The man chuckled and put your hand down.

"I'm sorry that I scared you like that, draga mea. (My dear.) I thought it would have been funny. It was, but seeing how much it frightened you, I'm truly sorry." He apologized. "And to make you less terrified, I'm not a vampire for your information."

A wave of relief overcame you.

"Oh, thank goodness... please don't do that again..." You practically begged, placing your hand on his shoulder.

He laughed. "I won't."

"To repay me, please show me around here. I'd appreciate it more than anything." You gently punched his shoulder.

"Nothing would make me happier. I really wanted to see again anyway." He responded. You felt a blush on your face.

He bowed down. "I'm Vladimir Popescu."

You returned the gesture. "(Y/n)."

So polite and charming in a way...


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