Your Career (Iceland)

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His POV:

Every time I go to (Y/n)'s house, I notice something. 

Whenever I meet her, I notice that her house is always clean and well-organized, regardless of whether I inform her in advance or if she invites me over. While it's natural for anyone to clean their home before having guests over, I find it intriguing that I haven't detected any mess or disorder. It could be possible that she prefers to maintain a spotless home. I haven't noticed any signs of OCD or cleaning anxiety, but I want to ask her for some cleaning advice. Maybe she's hiding some secrets about how to keep a place squeaky clean.

I considered this possibility while on a business trip outside the city, staying at a comfortable inn in the countryside. 

As I walked on the dirt road toward the secluded lodge, dark rain clouds gathered above me, threatening to unleash a heavy thunderstorm upon the land. Despite my efforts to hurry, the raindrops began to fall, increasing in intensity. The water drenched the once-dry soil, transforming it into sticky mud. My boots, which I always wore, sunk into the ground and became caked in it. It wasn't easy, and my destination appeared miles away.

This sucks! 


"Velkominn! (Welcome!)" The receptionist greeted me and then quickly rushed to my side as I entered the front entrance, completely soaked and muddy. "We need to get you cleaned up, sir-." 

I explained that I needed to check in first, but I stopped midway upon hearing a familiar voice coming from the staircase. 

It was (Y/n), dressed in a cleaning uniform and wearing a warm smile. "I can take care of him from here. His name is Emil Steilsson. The room is ready, and I'll handle the check-in details in a few minutes if that's alright, or else he'll turn into a popsicle." 

The girl nodded eagerly. "Of course! Go right ahead!" 

"And don't worry about the mess. I'll clean it up." (Y/n) grabbed my hand and led me carefully up the stairs while talking to her co-worker. 

She gave a thumbs up and, with a twiddle of her fingers, she continued her front desk duties. 

That's when we were both out of the line of sight from the girl, (Y/n) suddenly dragged me in a hurry and tossed me inside one of the rooms. "Hurry! Take off your clothes before you catch a cold!" She said in a panic and tugged at my dress shirt and jacket. 

My face turned bright red as her hands trailed all over my chest. I grabbed them, detaining her worry. "(Y/n), it's okay," I reassured her. "I can handle it from here." I let go and started removing my white bowtie first. 

She sighs in relief and chuckles. "You got it. I'll bring you a few things while you do that." (Y/n) exited the room and closed the door. 

When the coast was clear, I quickly stripped off the wet clothes and threw them into a pile. I rummaged through the closet to find a cozy robe and wore that in the meantime. 

Not long after that, a knock on the door startled me. "It's (Y/n). Can I come in now?" 

I tightened the rope cords around my waist. "Yeah, go ahead." 

(Y/n) entered the room with a neat pile of clothes in her hand. "Perfect. I brought you a fresh set you can wear right after your bath." She handed them to me. 


 "Yes! Having you sick is not my ideal if it can be helped." She expressed with a frown. 

A small smile makes its way to my lips. 

I know she cares, but I can't help feeling happier than I should.

She lets a chuckle. "What am I going to do with you, Emil-?"

I grab her hand and pull her into a hug. "This trip has been exhausting. But unexpectedly, having you here makes it all worth it..." 

She was so warm in my arms I almost didn't want to let go. 

(Y/n) sighs and hugs back. "I'm glad I can be of assistance." 

We pull apart and smile at one another. "What are you doing here anyway?" I ask. 

"I never mentioned it before?'" She questioned cutely, tilting her head. 

I shook mine. 

"Well, sorry about that then." She laughs nervously. "It's not much, but I'm like a maid. I go wherever I'm needed and clean what needs to be cleaned." 

"Það útskýrir margt... (That explains a lot...)" I mumble, recalling my previous thoughts. 

"Mystery solved, right?" (Y/n) says, ruffling my hair and kissing my cheek. "We'll talk more after you get properly cleaned up." She picks up my clothes and muddy boots and heads for the door again. "Don't worry about these bad boys. I'll make them whiter than they ever were." (Y/n) stated with a  grin before leaving. 

I pat my face as my cheeks get heated from every interaction with her. 

Hún er svo yndisleg... (She's so lovely...)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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