Feelings Inside (Iceland)

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His POV:

Mr. Puffin followed behind me as I walked through a dark green forest. The wind blowing hard. Storm clouds gathered together in the sky. I groaned in annoyance, hearing him speak his thoughts out loud. I stopped in my tracks. 

"I came out here to clear my mind and think about a few things... instead, I'm listening to a bird speak nonsense!" I yelled as he landed on a tree branch, he shook his head in disappointment. 

Mr. Puffin sighed heavily. "Oh, boy. You're hearing but you're not listening. What I speak is not nonsense. It's advice. You're thinking about the lass, aren't you? She's always on your mind since the day you two met. Það er sársaukafullt augljóst. (It's painfully obvious.)

"She's not-!" I bit my tongue, detaining my sentence from escaping. I took a deep breath. 

"Viðurkenna það, sveinn. (Admit it, lad.)" He flew over to my shoulder, landing softly. Leaning up against my ear and whispered, "You like her." My face felt like it was burning up. I scoffed, pushing him off and continued walking. The leaves under my feet crunching with each step. "You can't run from your feelings!" Mr. Puffin called out, as I began to walk faster. 

"You're wrong, you know?!" I retorted. "I don't like her!" I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could run, stumbling upon the edge of a cliff. Nearly falling into the crashing waves below. I balled up my fists and puffed out my chest, screaming at the top of my lungs,

"Mér líkar ekki við hana! Ég elska hana! Ég geri það virkilega! (I don't like her! I love her! I really do!)"

His voice echoed in the empty forest. With Mr. Pufffin only a little far behind heard Emil's declaration of love loud and clear. He laughed to himself. A thunderclap ringed throughout the land right afterward. 


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