1: first sights and sad eyes

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There's a sizzling static in the air as Callie Cordell pushes her way through the crowd of people. A buzzing of euphoria that seems to radiate from everyone around her. From the tall men in leather cuts to the skimpily dressed girls dancing along to the music. They all share a certain kind of belonging. This is their home, they belong here. They're all here for one reason or another and they show it, proudly.

And really, if this was any other night, Callie would be more more than willing to let herself get sucked into the bliss of raging party. Only it wasn't any other night. It was this night and she came here for a reason. She has a mission.

That mission is 5'7'' and equipped with a good old dosis of teenage courage. All Jess said she was going to do was hang out with a friend. The fact that said friend was linked to the local MC and that they were getting piss drunk at a club party, was something Callie had to find out through a phone call from her wasted little sister asking to be picked up.

This isn't how Callie had planned on spending the night. It's a gorgeous summer night in Santo Padre. It's warm but not sticky. Perfect for a glass of wine and some snacks on the balcony with your best friend, talking about god and the world and the incredible dullness of your love life. Which is exactly what Callie had planned. Before the phone call.

Before all of this.

It alls feels like a lot to take in. This is a family of sorts. Unusual and unconventional, but a family nonetheless. And she kinda feels like intruding into their world.

" You looking for something ? " a voice speaks up behind her. There's a man there, holding a beer and looking at her with one eyebrow raised in question. He's wearing a leather cut which means he too is part of the MC. He's lanky and skinny and compared to some of the other members she's spied on her way across the lot, he doesn't seem all that threatening. Callie has no doubt though, that this man ain't to be messed with either.

Though he looks a little confused, Callie can't find a hint of malice in his eyes. They look kind. A little weary, but kind.

" I uh- yeah I'm looking for my sis- "

" Callie!"

Jess calls her name across the entire lot, so loud it's even audible over the blasting music. The teenager is hanging of the muscular arms of another MC member. He looks visibly less drunk than her and quite uncomfortable with the young girl basically throwing herself at him.

" - sister. Found her "

As she reaches the younger girl, Callie is greeted by yet another loud exclamation of her name. Jess throws her arms around her older sister's shoulder and sways them side to side for a moment or two.

" 'm so glad you're here. This 's EZ by the way. He's a prospect. That means he's like a biker in training " the words are slurred but Calli can just about make out what her sister is trying to say. And got, she is smitten with this guy.

Callie has to admit, he's quite handsome but there's no denying he's way too old for Jess. And maybe the MC isn't the best lifestyle for her sister either. Jess is soft and kind and emotional. She has a heart too big for her own good. This lifestyle would chew her up and spit her out.

" I know what a prospect is. And you, my sweet, are shitfaced. "

" You've been drunk at 17, I r'member ". Callie knew growing up a bit reckless would come back to bit her in the ass one day. Today seems to be just that day.

" Yeah and I had to find my own way home. Be glad you have a sister like me "

" I am ! " Jess exclaims loudly and places a wet kiss on her sister's cheek. " She's the greatest sister in the world, EZ. The best "

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