7: ice-cream and cuddles

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Angel is leaning against the side of the building, cigarette dangling from his hand. Every once in a while his gaze drifts back towards the big front windows of the ice cream shop. Callie and Daisy are sitting in one of the booths with the bright blue plastic benches. Daisy is happily pointing at pictures in the menu in front of her, no doubt trying to decide which flavour to chose.

He can't hold back the smile pulling at his lips as he thinks back to a moment ago when Daisy spotted him waiting in the car as Callie picked her up from her mother's place. There's an infinite amount of adoration and affection in her whenever she interacts with him and though he knows kids get infatuated with just about anyone, it still fills him with pride to know that she likes him this much. That she likes having him around.

Some irresponsible, delusional part of his brain conjures up thoughts of a future much like this. One where the club doesn't get tangled in cartel shit anymore. Where violence and death doesn't pave his way. Where he can lead a good life with his girls. Maybe have a little house with a garden and a pool for Daisy to swim. They could get a dog, a big fluffy one. And maybe someday down the line he'd get Callie pregnant again. See her carry his baby. Give Daisy a sibling. They'd have so much love to give. One thing Angels knows for sure, never would any of his children (blood related or not) feel inadequate. Never would they be made to feel like they had to compete for his love. He'd remind them of it every damn day, so much so that they'd probably grow sick and tired of their old dad. He wouldn't care though as long as they knew they were loved unconditionally.

A future like that, he can almost see it, it's there in front of him just waiting for him to reach out and grab it. But he can't. Because he knows that no matter how much he wants it and no matter how close and real it seems, it's just a dream. Though the movies and songs always tell you to do it, chasing your dreams is dangerous, it's scary. Because there comes a point when maybe you can't catch up anymore, where you have to admit to yourself that it won't happen. And what then ? The movies never talk about that. About the heartbreak and the pain.

So he tries to keep those thoughts pushed to the back of his mind and just enjoy the time he's given with these two ladies, however short or long that will be.

The ringing of his phone shakes him from his daydream and, after stomping out the bud of his cigarette, he answers.

" Took you long enough. What held you up, man ? Your kid got her hands on a screwdriver again ? "

Coco's unamused chuckle sounds through the receiver, " very funny. You should be a fucking comedian ".

" Tell me something I don't know. "

" So, what's got your balls in a twist then ? "

" Someone trashed Callie's Flower shop and I need to find the guy. "

" Shit, really ? How bad is it ? She alright ? "

" She's not hurt but that shop is her baby. And that guy, he's been stalking her for a while now. So me crazy delusional ex. He needs to go Coco. "

" Geez man, ya know I have your back but — "

" I don't wanna kill him. I just wanna scare him off. "

Yet. He doesn't wanna kill him yet. If this whole scaring off thing doesn't work, Angel is not afraid to move on to more drastic measures. That's both a vice and a virtue, he thinks, once someone means something to him, he's willing to do everything to keep them safe. He's fiercely protective, loyal to his family, to the people he — loves.

Killing that guy is not something he wants to do necessarily, but he will if it comes to it, if he has to. Coco doesn't need to know all that though, not right now.

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