5: mornings and myths

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" That is not right, who does that ? "

" I do "

" That's ridiculous. That's not how it works. "

" Who makes the rules ? "

" I uh — no one but it's common sense. "

" I'm 4 I don't know what that means "

The bickering of voices wakes Callie from a deep comfortable slumber. Looking around, she's met with the sun shining through the curtains and onto the couch. She must've fallen asleep here once her and Angel had gotten too cold on the balcony and decided to move it inside.

They just talked. For a long time about a lot of stuff. And though he managed to stay away from all club related business, he did allow himself to get vulnerable with her. He talked about his mother and EZ and how unappreciated and lonely he feels most of the time. And it broke her heart. It still breaks her heart.

He's been nothing but wonderful to her and Daisy and to know that he doesn't receive all the love he deserves, not even from his own family, sends a metaphorical dagger straight to her heart.

Talking about Daisy.

Her little giggles carry from the kitchen and echo through the house, followed by Angel's low chuckles.

As Callie gets up and leans against the doorway to the kitchen, she is faced with a sight that makes a warm fuzzy feeling spread throughout her entire body.

Daisy is sat on a chair by the kitchen isle, big bowl of cereal in front of her and smile on her face as Angel leans against the opposite site of the counter making silly faces at her.

" I don't know who told you this but putting milk before cereal is coo coo crazy. "

" It's delicious ! " Daisy replies and furrows her little eyebrows in mock offence.

" It's wrong, girly. Sorry but It's wrong. "

" Mommy says it doesn't matter as long as I eat my breakfast "

" Ya know what ? Your ma is probably right " Angel agrees and there's a smile spreading on his face, so warm and welcoming, as he looks at the little girl. It makes him look so at peace with life. He looks so soft and loving and much younger than his usual frown makes him look..

Callie finds herself wishing she could put that expression of ease and comfort on his face more often.

The scene before her make her wonder if things could ever be like this permanently. If maybe somewhere down the line, if things with her and Angel go that way and work out, she gets to wake up to this more often. To her kid smiling and her — her Angel smiling along.

This is something she never thought she'd get. Ever. And maybe the universe is feeling generous right now but if this is as good as it gets, she's not going to complain any time soon.

Angel spots movement from the corner of his eyes and as his gaze lands on Callie.She looks at him in a way he hasn't been looked at in forever. He can't tell exactly what it is but there's a warmth and a familiarity that he's missed so dearly for so long.

" Look who's up " Angel exclaims and nods his head towards Callie and making Daisy swing around in her chair to see who he's talking about.

" Yeah, you two are bickering so loud I had to come investigate. What's the issue here, huh ? "

There's a smile on Callie's face as she walks into the kitchen. One that she can't wipe off no matter how much she tells herself that this is silly.

Casual Moths // Angel ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now