Twelve: Awake

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(A/N): Sorry it's kinda short.😅

Do you know what's the worst? Being stuck in an endless slumber. That is the worst thing in the world. Especially for me. I've been stuck in this endless slumber for what seems like ages. It's soooooooo boring. Sometimes I'll hear voices around me, but they always ignore me. Probably because I'm also invisible. Well, more like hidden very well. But all this time being frozen and asleep did give me time to think about what I did. Yeah. Conjuring up a storm to kill my entire village was probably a bad idea. Okay, it was a very bad idea. But, my anger got the best of me in that moment. I didn't actually want to kill anyone in there. Especially not my siblings... But what's done is done.

Hold on. Do you hear that? Voices! Please notice me! Please, please, please, please!

"Hey, what's over there? I don't think we've been over there yet."


"Woah! Look at this statue! It looks like a unicorn!"

"But its horn is curved, Sweetie Belle. Do you think its a bad sign?"

"Naaaahhhhhh. It can't be! It's only a statue!" Wait. Ow! Why is it knocking on me?

"See! It's only a statue." Now the small feeling pony is leaning on me. Just great. Wait, I'm falling over. AHHHHHHH!

"Ow...." Wait, did I just talk? Finally - oh my goodness, look at those adorable little fillies in front of me!

"Well, thank you for waking me up! I'm Storm. Night Storm. Destroyer of worlds."

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