Six: Chess

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I stared at the board of life and contemplated my next move. My opponent eagerly tapped his foot against the floor. I glared at them in annoyance, but they only seemed to be amused with my reaction. I let out a silent breath of frustration and concentrated on the board in front of me. One of my bishops were gone, two rooks had been taken by my opponent, half of my pawns were out the game, and their knights were closing in on my king. I took a deep breath and cleared the clutter of panic filling my head. My reached hand over the board and made its move. My opponent watched me with cold eyes as I made my move and chuckled after my hand released the chess piece. Sweat beaded on top of my forehead. Did I make the wrong move? They leaned over the board and examined the chess board. A small frown was carved onto their face when they examined my move a little bit more. I had befuddled them. I smiled triumphantly. My heart beat wildly against my ribcage as their eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

My victory didn't last long.

Soon after, my opponent slid a new problem towards me. The panic that had disappeared rose up again reared its ugly head towards me. No, the panic had risen and confined me in its suffocating hold as I looked at the board in horror. I only had one option that I could do in this position. I slowly moved my queen and when my hand let go of her, it was off the board. My opponent grinned maniacally at me, and I shot a menacing scowl at them. A quiet growl escaped my throat and filled the tense air. My fingers curled into fists as my thoughts circled around me. All I wanted to do was to pound my fists onto the chessboard and disrupt everything, but I knew that it was an idea that would have dire consequences. A small sigh was released from my lips as I attempted to organize my scattered thoughts. I ran every scenario through my mind as I thought about my next move. If I lost another one of my pieces, I would be done for. Butterflies whirled around in my stomach. My heart dully thudded against my ribcage as my fingers moved a piece. Then, I sat in wait.

Bishops - Morality

Knights - Spirit

King - Life

Queen - Hope

Rooks - Joy

Pawns - Logic

Opponent - Obstacles/Hardships/Distractions/Etc.

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