Thirty-Eight: Persuade

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(A/N): Sorry, I haven't been updating lately. I was stuck in writer's block, and I might've gotten a bit lazy. I'll try updating a bit more consistently after today.

"There are so many different ways of persuasion. There's bribing, seducing, torturing, begging, and my personal favorite, threats. Oh, you don't know what true power is until you hear a person's senseless pleas. You can watch the blood drain out of the person's face, and watch as they struggle to fight to get out of their bonds. Then, listen to their quickening breaths and loud roars of empty threats at you as they try and intimidate you. However, lions do not fear sheep. Especially lions with sharp claws.

Of course, there are other ways of getting information. Seducing is a close second of my favorites. You can watch and see the exact moment when the drug hits them. You can then hear all their juicy secrets being let out. One of my most cherished memories is through seducing. There was an extremely wealthy businessman. A married man, but alas, he had harems of girls to satisfy his pleasures when his wife wasn't in the mood. He was also the drug rival to Sancha. So, naturally, Sancha hired me to reveal where he gets his money on tape. Oh, he was so helpless in my seduction. He spilled his secrets, a few extra ones too. The businessman was fined and sent to jail. But, that was ages ago.

Oh! Torturing is a wonderful alternative also. Every drop of blood falling off the knife and onto the white concrete floor is in a league of music all in itself. There's also crying and begging and pleading, which is also a beautiful noise to listen too. The beauty in torture is that you find all the victim's darkest fears and doubts. Watching blood well up and spill and make pools of blood on the floor is just so satisfying.

Then, the weak ones, the most boring of all, begging and bribing. No fun in that. If I ever catch you doing that, you're out of the family." I said. The little girl in the bright pink room nodded when she let out a big yawn. She stretched her chubby arms before clutching her princess dolly closer to her chest. I smiled at my daughter and kissed her little forehead.

"Now, get some sleep. Tomorrow, you get to try out torturing." I whispered. The little girl nodded before her eyes closed, and she fell asleep. I walked across the fluffy pink carpet and flicked off the lights, the fairy night light glowing dimly in the dark. I gently closed the door. I crossed the hall and walked into another room. It was white and cold with a closet. The body tied to the chair in the middle let out a muffled scream of help. I slapped the man.

"Now, you better shut up. My daughter is going to need all the rest she needs to torture you tomorrow. I heard you are absolutely overflowing with secrets that could bring you and your little business apart." I knocked him out cold, breaking his nose in the process.

"Oh, dangit. My daughter's going to be so mad at me. I broke the man's nose." I tsked at myself. "Oh well." I walked out of the room, excited for my daughter to finally start her training. After all, seven is a very late age to start.

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