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"you know as vice president seungmin, you honestly are not setting a good example." jisung tells to the boy, seungmin shrugs sipping on his juice box.

"I guess it's min behind the doors and seungmin within the halls." felix says with a little smile.

"it's actually minnie in the sheets and seungmin in the streets." seungmin playfully tells, jisung throws an apple core at the boy. he then winks towards the three boys, "you can ask—"

"nope! we're not asking anyone!" hyunjin tells, "where's the fucking stapler?"

"hey! one hour of detention for you mr. hwang! no swearing at student council!" as seungmin pulls out a notepad and pen, hyunjin shakes his slowly muttering a low, 'what the fuck'.

"hey don't do that to hyunjin." felix states, "he didn't mean it, I think..."

"yeah I didn't fucking mean it." hyunjin bluntly tells, seungmin's jaw drops from the swearing.

"hiro hyung won't like this." as seungmin glares towards the dancer, "two hours it is then."

hyunjin waves his hands,"okay! okay! sorry, I'll buy you ice cream or anything. just stop!"

seungmin stops writing and puts his notepad down. "you're safe for now jinnie..but where's minho hyung!"

"why? looking for your boyfriend?" as felix teases, "you cling onto him twenty-four seven."

"no, it's just he's new so you never know if he's lonely. I wish I had his number so I could call him." seungmin then pouts, "hey jisung, wanna go look for him?"

"why me? you're the one who wants him." jisung questions, not understanding the boy's logic at all.

"minnie senses are tingling." seungmin points out with a smile, jisung shakes his head while seungmin does the opposite. "it's true, I'm sensing destiny between you two."

"then why do you talk about minho as if you're in love with him?" hyunjin then asks, suspicious of the boy. "you're hiding something aren't you?"

"and you're nosy, aren't you?" seungmin shoots back. he crosses his arm and finishes the last of his juice box. "I legit feel something between them!"

"it's the sexual tension." felix states, "we've all felt it with someone. don't worry."

jisung snickers, "hehe, chan~"

"shut up!" felix shouts, about to take off his shoe to throw. "I thought he was hot okay! it wasn't even sexual tension but you can't tell changbin!"

"changbin doesn't even like you so be quiet." seungmin rudely tells, "I mean, ooops uwu we love aussie boy."

"seungmin I will whoop your ass." felix threatens.

seungmin fakes a gasp, "oh sis, didn't you hear about baby changbin having things for boys just like hyunjin? guess you're quite late with the tea."

hyunjin's eyes widen, "seungbitch you need some help."

"bitchass want a detention? I'll sign you up for saturday school my love." as seungmin picks up his notepad, swinging it around in their faces. "jisung do you want it as well!"

"dude I literally breathe!" jisung shouts, "I'm suing, I need new friends."

"minho is available."

"shut the fuck up with minho already!" jisung irritatingly says, "I don't like him!"

seungmin starts to write on his notepad, tearing off a piece of paper and handing it to jisung. he clicks his pen, "played yourself."

jisung reads the paper, mouth dropping he shoves it into seungmin's face. "three hours of detention for swearing and saying mean things about another student. are you serious!"

"I don't make the rules here, so be a big boy and suck it the fuck up."

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