Chapter 1 - Internship

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It was the perfect autumn day. The sun is brightly shining outside yet the breeze is almost cold. Autumn is Junhoe's favorite season. If it were any other day, he would be hanging out with his friends or maybe he will hang out alone in a coffee shop near their house to read a book. But it was not any other day. It was the day where he needs to find an internship and fast.

As a graduating student, an internship is part of their curriculum and you need to accomplish a certain amount of time to graduate. Their professor has allotted them a month to find a company that would accept them for their internship. But being the lazy person as he was, Junhoe has put it off for so long. Now he only has a few days, 4 days to be exact, before the deadline of the submission for their internship.

Sighing as he looks outside of his window for a beautiful wasted day, he heads over to their kitchen to find some food. As he stepped into the kitchen, he saw his mother and sister in the counter, mixing something.

"Are you baking something?" Junhoe asked as he sits in the bar stool.

"Yes. Cookies. Do you like some?" Yeajin, Junhoe's older sister, said.

"Sure." He said as he played with his phone.

He remained in his seat, playing with his phone, while waiting for the cookies to be baked. He was still thinking where he should apply for his internship when his father stepped into the kitchen.

"I smell cookies." His father head over to the oven to peek at the cookies that are almost done.

"Wait there in the bar area with Junhoe Dad. It's almost done." Yeajin said, shooing his father away from the oven.

"It's odd that you're home." Junhoe's dad pointed out as he sat down beside him.

"Yeah. I have a problem." Junhoe said. He could smell the cookies that his sister is now pouring into the cooling rack and lean in the table.

"What's the matter?" His father asked thoughtlessly. His mind seems to wander to the smell of cookies and Junhoe can't blame him. It smells delicious.

"I need an internship and I haven't applied to any companies yet. I only have 4 days." Junhoe sighed deeply.

"Well that's the thing about you Junhoe, you never prioritized the important things in life." His dad said.

"I have an idea." Yeajin was now holding a platter of cookies and placed it in front of them.

"What is it noona?" Junhoe asked.

"Why not work in our company?" Yeajin smiled. "Right dad?" She faced her dad smiling.

"No!" Junhoe and his dad said in unison.

"Oh come on! I think Junhoe will do great in his internship in the company!" Junhoe's mother butt in.

"No. We all know that Junhoe does not want to work in the company, let alone have anything to do with it." His dad said firmly. It is a constant argument in their family. Junhoe not wanting to participate in handling the family business. At first, his father was mad at him. But then he realized that it is better to not forced him or he might just be the downfall of their company. It's not like Junhoe will be the new president of the company, Yeajin will still be the one who will take over their family business. But his parents want him to run the business alongside his sister, which he does not want.

"But I think it would be a good opportunity for Junhoe to get to know our business." His mother said.

"Well, if you do not want June in the company, why not put him in the resort?" Yeajin pointed out.

"Yes! The resort can also be good for Junhoe." His mother added.

"Now that's more I like it," Junhoe said. He can already imagine his internship life in the resort. He will do whatever he wants because he is technically the owner of the resort. It's like having a vacation.

"Fine. I'll call the resort to inform them that Junhoe and I are coming this Sunday." His dad pulled out his phone. "Pack your things Junhoe. You will be staying in the resort for the rest of your internship." His father left the room, phone in hand, and already calling the manager.

"I will do that later." He shoved a cookie in his mouth and taste the victory of working in their own resort.

After a few more cookies, Junhoe heads back to his room and called his friends to tell them about his internship. He only has two friends - Kim Jinhwan, a famous singer who used to go to the same school as him & Song Yunhyeong, a culinary student who has been a part-time chef in his family's restaurant and a part-time student. He first called Yunhyeong but he is not picking up. He wondered if he is cooking in their own restaurant. So he then tried calling Jinhwan, who picks up after 5 rings.

"Hello?" Junhoe heard the sleepy voice of Jinhwan.

"Hyung! You would not believe what I am about to tell you." Junhoe knows that Jinhwan would be shocked as to where he will work for his internship.

"This better be good Junhoe. You woke me up from my sleep. I just got back after my recording!" Junhoe could hear the rustle of a blanket being pulled.

"I already found a company to work for my internship."

"Where?" Jinhwan sounded like he is uninterested but Junhoe doesn't seem to mind.

"In my family's beach resort!" Junhoe walks to his closet and starts pulling clothes out of it.

"Really? I thought you don't want to get involved in your family's business?" Even Junhoe's friend knew that he does not want to be a part of the family's business. It is that serious.

"Well, it's just an internship. And I will only be working in the resort not in the actual company. And I think that is the best place to work for my internship." Junhoe said.

"And why?" Jinhwan asked yawning.

"Because my family owns that resort, which means to say that I am technically the owner of the resort. It's like getting a free pass to graduation while having a vacation!"

"Wow. You're a genius. So you will be working as an assistant to the manager in the resort?"

"I don't know. The old man didn't tell me what my position will be. But I'm pretty sure it is close to that." Junhoe said while dragging his suitcase near his bed. The more he thinks about this internship, the more excited he gets.

"Well there goes your few seconds of being a genius," Jinhwan said laughing. "You really think that your dad will give you a position of an assistant to the manager?"

"Of course! I am his son. What other position will he give me?" Junhoe sat down in his bed, a little annoyed by Jinhwan's reaction.

"Not to spoil the fun but ever think of working as a janitor or as an errand boy? Because I am sure that your dad might probably give you that position."

"Sht!" Junhoe lies down in his bed allowing Jinhwan's words to sink in.

"Finally found your brain huh? Oh well I'll go back to sleep. Bye!" Jinhwan just hang up after saying goodbye. He did not even wait for Junhoe's answer.

But Junhoe was now lying in his bed trying to disregard Jinhwan's suggestion. He knew that there might be a possibility of his dad doing that but there is also a possibility that he is right and Jinhwan is wrong. So he stands up and continues packing his things thinking of his vacation.

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