Chapter 8: Kim Jinhwan

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Kim Jinhwan arrives in the resort at the exact moment that the sun rises in the horizon. It was beautiful and it relaxes him in an instant. He was staying in the Sparkle Beach Resort, and he was glad that no one has heard of his vacation here. It's not like he does not like enjoyed meeting his fans and seeing them each time he stepped out of the car. But sometimes, he wanted to be invisible just like everybody else.

As Yunhyeong strolls down the resort to meet him, his face lightens and it takes him back to the time when they were in high school.

"Hyung!" Yunhyeong hugged him and he pats his back with one hand while still holding his bag on the other hand.

"Long time no see." Yunhyeong released him and took his bag from him. He was always that thoughtful.

"I know. How long will you be staying here?" They've already entered the resort when Jinhwan realized that Bobby might be in the reception area. By Yunhyeong's story, he seems to be a good person. But after he and Junhoe became close, Junhoe has never talked to him since. He was not jealous, he just missed being that constant rock that Junhoe leans into when something is bothering him.

"Only 3 days. It was supposed to be 5 but my manager would not allow me to skip rehearsal for the tour so I'm flying to another country the moment I check out of this resort." Yunhyeong wraps his arm in his shoulder and laughs.

"You are a busy guy. Just don't forget us will you?" Jinhwan snorts in reply. He was about to head to the reception area when Yunhyeong stirred him in the lounge.

"I think your manager can take care of the check-in shenanigans." Jinhwan rolled his eyes and sat down in the lounge.

"Where is Junhoe?" There is a pang of disappointment in Jinhwan that his friend is not there even though he's the one who does not want him to know.

"He's probably still at home, asleep. His shift starts at 9 AM." Yunhyeong sits down beside him and it was only then that he realized that he was also working in the resort.

"Hey, aren't you working? Or did you volunteer to be my welcoming committee?" Jinhwan said with a teasing voice.

"My work also starts at 9 AM. I just came here early to meet you." Yunhyeong gives him the annoyingly bright smile that looks familiar and unnerving at the same time. 

"Thanks..." He was about to make a snide remark against Junhoe when he saw his manager motioned for him in the direction of the elevator. So he and Yunhyeong stood up to follow him.

Junhoe was still half asleep when he enters the resort. Like most of the time, he did not hear his alarm goes off, and being late is not an option unless he wanted another earful with Mr. Lee. He was still contemplating as to what it is that Bobby told him that he should do the moment that he arrives in the resort when someone grabs him in the shoulder.

"Junhoe you're finally here!" Junhoe blinks a few times and rubs his eyes in the process to make sure that it was Bobby, giddy, and excited at the same time. Was he excited to see him? It sounded weird even to his thoughts because they've been texting nonstop last night while Bobby was writing a song lyrics and asking for Junhoe's help with the lyrics.

"Good morning to you too Hyung." He said shying away from Bobby and heading to the reception area to sit and wait for his mind to function.

"I guess being friends with a famous person does not budge you with much excitement huh?" Bobby leans too casually at the reception desk even though it is evident that he is too excited to contain himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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