Chapter 3 - Bobby

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The beach is Bobby's favorite place. Seeing the waves and the people who, like him, love the water makes him feel at home. The water is Bobby's solace, whenever he has a writer's block, he would always walk on the beach to sparked some ideas. But as he was walking on the beach now, he felt nonchalant because he only has a couple of months left before he graduated and move back to the city.

He has been working in Sparkle Beach Resort for 4 years now. Ever since he started studying in college. He is one of those students who work part-time in order to fund his studies. His family is living in America but he decided to come back to Korea to pursue his dream. But it has been 4 years. And the only thing that he came close to achieving is becoming a freelance lyricist for his friend Kim Hanbin. Unlike him, Kim Hanbin is well-known in the music industry for the songs that he has written. He is multi-talented; a composer, a producer, a songwriter & if he wanted to, he can be a great singer. But unlike Hanbin who was contented with working in the studio, Bobby would love to be a famous singer someday. He wanted to sing in the stage and have his own spotlight. But right now, he is the receptionist of the resort.

Working in the resort is a small blessing for Bobby because the management is very kind to part-time students like him. He can study in his free time or when there are no customers around, he can also adjust his duty hours so it could suit his class schedule.

As Bobby was mindlessly thinking about all the good things that the resort has done for him, he was surprised to see a few people loitering in the resort. He was slowly walking to the reception area while looking at those people when someone bumped into him.

"I'm really sorry!" A guy who looks exactly like Chanwoo, Bobby's roommate, said.

Bobby's mind was still processing the fact that the guy is not Chanwoo when he runs off to the small crowd of people.

"Why are there so many people here?" Bobby said asking his co-worker.

"Oh, they are the new interns." She replied.

"Interns? Oh! It's already that time of the year." Bobby was delighted to see those interns. He likes it when they have interns because his job became easier.

Bobby was just sitting in the reception and looking at the new interns when his co-worker stands up.

"Finally my shift is done." She said stretching. "Better get some sleep. I'll leave you to your buddy now."

The buddy that she is talking about is the turtle clock that they have in the reception desk. He called it his buddy when he doesn't have anything to do other than watch the clock tick.

"Thank you for accompanying him," Bobby said standing up and moving at his usual spot.

Moments later after Bobby's co-worker left, the resort's manager stepped out from his office.

"Good morning Mr. Lee!" Bobby greeted.

"Good morning to you too Bobby." Mr. Lee smiled at him and head over to the interns.

Bobby was watching the interns as Mr. Lee gather them around. And even though he could not hear what he is saying, he knew that he asked them to group themselves into the designated area that they will work with. He then noticed that as Mr. Lee was giving out instructions, he keeps on looking at the entrance like he was waiting for someone else. And to his amazement, the guy who looks like his roommate also keeps on looking at the entrance. Bobby was hoping that the guy who looks like Chanwoo will be the new errand boy because he seems nice. And he wanted to ask him if he is related to Chanwoo. However, by the looks of him, he could tell that this guy is probably rich. And having a rich kid intern is nothing new for the staff at the resort because most of them are children of the resort's owner's friends. And if that's the case, Bobby knew that they will not put him into errand duties so he just took his phone out of his bag to snap a picture of him. He sends it to his friends, including Chanwoo, to tell them about this new intern.

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