Chapter 5 - Apology

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Bobby was grudgingly walking back to the resort after he had lunch. His apartment was only a walking distance away from the resort so he always comes home for lunch. His roommate, Chanwoo, was always nice enough to buy or cook some lunch for the both of them. If he will be honest, he does not know what that kid does for a living. But he knew that he is rich even if he is not saying it. And what he is doing in that place is a mystery to Bobby because if it was him, he would not choose to live here even if the beach was nice. There are a lot of beautiful places to live in if only you have the money.

Going back to the resort with a burden is a new feeling to Bobby because he loves the resort. And getting annoyed by someone is also new to him. When he entered his apartment earlier, he was grumpy, according to Chanwoo. And even he was surprised that someone made Bobby annoyed. Because everyone who knew Bobby knows that he does not get annoyed or hold a grudge on anyone for a long time. He gets annoyed most of the time but after a few minutes it will pass. But this is different. He has been ranting to Chanwoo about how he finally understood why the resort does not give the rich kid interns a position of an errand boy because they are too arrogant. That is why having Junhoe as an errand boy is a mystery to Bobby as well.

He does not know how long he has been ranting but Chanwoo pulled out his phone and called their friends, Hanbin and Donghyuk. But even that could not stop him from ranting. He was just so annoyed that he does not know if it is still annoyance or if he is just mad at Junhoe. All he knew is that he needs to let it all out or else he will explode.

His friends asked him what really pushed him to this breaking point and when he stopped to think about it the scene of the earlier event in the resort pops in his head. He felt so humiliated in front of the guests at that time. He knew that he is not rich and Junhoe is probably thinking that he does not have the right to boss him around. But what could he do? He is just doing his job and a part of that is training him or telling him what he should do as an intern. But does he really need to humiliate him like that in front of the guests? He knew perfectly well that he could hear him and is ignoring him on purpose. And when he approached him, his words really pull a nerve to Bobby that he just storms to the manager's office and told him what happened. If he did not run off to Mr. Lee's office, he might have punched Junhoe in the face. And he might lose his job. He needs his job more than anything so telling Mr. Lee is his only option, besides he told him that if he has a problem with Junhoe, just let him know and that's what he did.

As a working student who pays his own tuition fee and apartment rental, he could not afford to lose a job today. So with that realization, he told himself that he will endure Junhoe for a couple of months and then he is off to graduation and out of this place. But for now, he does not want Junhoe to figure out that he is a working student because he might do something stupid to make him do something stupid where he would eventually end up jobless.

Bobby took a deep sigh while he was standing outside the door of the resort. He could already feel that this day is longer than any other day and he still has a class tonight. But first he needs to calm down and ignored the ass called Junhoe.

But as soon as Bobby walks inside the resort's lobby, he could already tell that ignoring Junhoe would be impossible especially now that he was sitting in the front desk talking to his friend who looks like Chanwoo. As soon as his friend noticed Bobby he stands up and steps out of the front desk area.

"Hi! I'm Yunhyeong. I am Junhoe's friend and I am also an intern in the resort. I worked in the kitchen." He smiled brightly like the sun and it was a wonder how he and Junhoe have been friends for Bobby. But the funny thing is, he has been talking to this guy earlier and only now did he realized that they never really introduced themselves.

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