Chapter 6 - Blooming Friendship

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It was a lazy Monday night. Bobby just got home from school and was resting on the couch before doing his homework and project while Chanwoo was sitting on the floor next to the couch playing some game on his phone.

"Hyung I'm hungry," Chanwoo complained after he finishes his game. "Aren't we gonna order something?"

"Don't worry food is coming," Bobby replied while switching the channel of the television.

"Did you order some food?" Chanwoo said excitedly.

"No." Chanwoo's smile fell. "But a friend of mine was coming with food."

Only 15 minutes have passed when the doorbell rang. Bobby stands from the couch and headed for the door with Chanwoo following behind him.

"Hi!" Yunhyeong was standing outside the door holding two plastic bags of food.

"Hey partner. Come inside." Bobby gestured for him to come in and grabbed the plastic bags that he is carrying. He passed it to Chanwoo who peaks inside the bag and groaned.

"Oh come on. It's not cook yet?" Chanwoo complained while following Bobby and Yunhyeong in the kitchen.

"Sorry. I don't have time to cook in my apartment." The bright and happy face of Yunhyeong was clouded by the mention of his apartment. "Don't worry it will only take a few minutes." He smiled again and grabbed the food inside the bag that Chanwoo just placed on the table.

Bobby was watching as Yunhyeong moved around the kitchen like he knew the place so well and only asking for the whereabouts of some utensils and objects that neither him nor Chanwoo knew how to use and have no idea how it ended up inside their apartment. But even though both he and Chanwoo were amazed by his skills in the kitchen, Chanwoo's curiosity gets the best of him.

"Yunhyeong hyung, can I ask you something?" Chanwoo said while staring at the back of Yunhyeong.

"Yeah sure," Yunhyeong replied without looking back at them.

"What the hell are you doing here in our dorm at this time of the night?" Chanwoo asked without a hint of malice but Bobby noticed that Yunhyeong paused for a moment.

"Well I am pissed at my roommate." He faced them with a pleading expression. "Can I stay here for the night? I don't want to see my roommate's face tonight."

"Who is your roommate?" Chanwoo asked.

"Koo Junhoe. Do you know him?" Bobby wants to laugh at Yunhyeong's question because there is no way that Chanwoo would have known him.

"Ohhh... Koo Junhoe! Yeah I know him. He's..." Bobby immediately kicked Chanwoo under the table when he realized that, of course Chanwoo knew Junhoe. How could he forget?

Since the start of Junhoe's internship in the resort, he could never come home without ranting to Chanwoo about how pissed off he was with him. Plus the stunt that Chanwoo pulled just to make sure that Bobby would not bump into Yunhyeong and Junhoe. He even called his friends Hanbin and Donghyuk almost every day in the first week of Junhoe's internship just to rant at how insensitive and bratty Junhoe is and how he cannot wait to leave the resort and be with them in just a few months. And even though Junhoe is not acting like a big spoiled brat anymore, Bobby hated it more than the spoiled Junhoe. He knew that the reason why Junhoe stops acting like a brat is because he figured out that Bobby is a working student. It happened two weeks ago when Bobby left his book in school and one of his classmates, who knew that he was working in the resort, drop-by to gave him the book. But to Bobby's misfortune, he was in the restroom and Junhoe was manning the front desk when his classmate came in the resort. And so Junhoe figured out that he is a working student. He's been acting weird and they are more awkward than usual since that day. But Bobby knew what it was, it was a pity. And he hates it when someone pities him.

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