Chapter 7: Soulmate

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It's already 11 PM but Junhoe was still on the beach taking a walk. He was trying to find an inspiration for his poetry and Bobby told him that whenever he wants to find an inspiration in writing, he would always go to the beach.

But even though he was finding an inspiration to write, his mind drifted to Bobby and their friendship. After he and Yunhyeong settled their misunderstanding, Bobby and Chanwoo asked him to stay and since then he becomes comfortable with Bobby for no reason. The once unbearable days in the resort now brought them closer. When there are no guests loitering around the lobby, they would always talk about everything and anything. He smiled just by thinking how they hated each other's gut before but now he would prefer his company anytime. 

He did not know that they have a lot in common. Bobby also likes writing, though he writes lyrics and not poetry. Junhoe knew that his friends are supportive of his passion but he thinks that they would not understand its depth; he puts his heart and soul in every word that he wrote and such feeling would only be understood by someone who also does the same thing. With Bobby, talking about writing and poetry felt different. His sentiments sometimes voice out the words that Junhoe was afraid to say. He used to think that soulmate is something ridiculous, a notion that only the romantics could understand; but now he realized that soulmates are not just being connected romantically, it's about finding a reflection of your soul in someone. Just like how he sees himself in Bobby.

Junhoe stopped walking without even realizing that he stopped near the resort. And when he looks at the resort, he smiled and he realized that he already has an inspiration and a topic for his next poetry. He pulled out his phone and started typing the title for his new poetry. He began typing the words that have been popping in his head as he heads to the dorm.

When Junhoe passed by the convenience store, he decided to grab a beer so he could have something to drink while writing. When he enters the store, he saw Bobby in the counter paying for some beer. Without another thought, he walks towards him.

"Hyung!" Bobby whirl and smiled as he saw Junhoe.

"Let me guess, you are gonna buy some beer?" Bobby collected his change and the beers before turning back to Junhoe.

"Yeah. I need some while writing." Junhoe shrugged though he is a bit conscious when he realized that the inspiration that hit him on the beach is Bobby and he felt exposed just by standing next to him as if he would know that he is writing poetry about their friendship.

"It's good to know that you're writing again. You should let me read your poetry sometimes." Junhoe felt his face turns red with Bobby's words. How can he show him his words when it is all about him?

"Maybe next time." Junhoe immediately went to the refrigerator at the other side of the store to grab his beer. He noticed that Bobby trailed behind him.

They walk in silence as they step out of the store. Both holding a plastic bag full of beer in one hand and Junhoe was fighting the urge to smile because it confirms his thoughts about soulmates and the reflection of a soul. If it were not for their height and hair, they look almost the same in the shadows. He was itching to pull out his phone and began typing again for his poetry but he doesn't want Bobby to see him and ask him to read what he's writing.

"Have you been walking to the beach?"

"You know me so well hyung." Junhoe was amazed by how Bobby knew where he's been.

"It's where I would be if I am looking for an inspiration," Bobby said nonchalantly.

"You told me so. Which is why I decided to take a walk there tonight because I can't sleep."

"I can't sleep either." Bobby stops walking and looks at Junhoe. "Are you heading back to your dorm now?"

"No. I just grabbed some beer and I'll be heading back to the beach." It was a lie. And Junhoe wished that Bobby would not realize that he is lying. It is the thing that he hates the most, according to him. But Junhoe prefers his company rather than being back in his room all alone while he drinks his beer.

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