Chapter 28.

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Tom's POV

"What happened?" Lily was still beaming down at me, tears streaming down her face.

I felt like I'd been dragged to Hell and back, my mouth dry and head pounding. Yet seeing my darling so joyous allowed me to put aside my pains for a second. I need answers, and I needed her.

She took several deep breaths, trying to contain her excitement.

"You were in a car crash. Drunk driver slammed straight into you. He was going 80 miles an hour, and apparently he died on impact. You survived, obviously. There were so many broken bones though... And your head was the worst."

Her hand lightly grazed my hair.

"They sent you into theatre, but something went wrong. You've been in a coma for three months."

Three months? That's... That's...

"I know, it was a long time. But I came to stay with you every single day. It was so worth it Tom. I missed you so much. Oh thank god you're awake. I love you baby, I'll never leave again."

She started crying again, and I reached out to touch her, comfort her.

"They said you might not even remember me if- when you woke up."

"I remember everything Lils. I... I... Wait, three months?" I placed my hand gingerly over her stomach, glancing up at her for approval.

"Yes! Yes, she's still here. Oh Tom, I'm so happy."

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" She placed her hands over mine again, and the warmth of her body sent tingles up my spine.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for making you leave. I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry I've not been around. I love you Lily, I'm so so sorry. Will you forgive me?" I was crying now, the heightened emotions in the room even causing Maurice to shed a few tears.

"I forgave you a long time ago baby. I just want you back, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The past three months have put a lot into perspective for me."

I thought over this for a second. Then I simply nodded, hitching myself up slightly. Lily sat herself gingerly in my knee, curling her body into mine. Luckily, she was small enough for it not to hurt, and I could enjoy her company in the quiet of the room. We remained like that for a long time. I occasionally pressed my lips to her knuckles, wiping away the dampness on her cheeks. We simply spent time as one person, sharing the pain and loneliness of the past few months.

I'm not sure whether it was the rollercoaster of emotions, or my still-dazed state, but I blurted our the one thing that was on my mind:

"Will you marry me?"

Lily's POV

"Well... Well, I..."

I looked at his sparkling brown eyes, his soft curls, and as I looked at this person, so breathtakingly beautiful inside out, I knew I could spend an eternity with him. I knew he had been hurt, but that I would put all my effort into making him feel loved and cared for for the rest of his life. And I knew that I loved him. Through everything, we had survived. And if we could survive this, we could survive anything.

So I said yes.

Webs And Wishes - Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now