Party Hard ((Lukarie))

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Friday ((But technically Saturday bc it's early in the morning yet still late at night))

After a full week of prep, finally the party was here and in full swing.

Usually, parties were Valarie's thing. She was used to having people talk to her. But this time, it was different.

Most of the time, she would manage to pull Roxanne away from their Netflix account and convince her that a party would be more fun than being at home all night. And this was her original plan, until she listened to her roomate complain about how annoyed she was at Calum and how she didn't want to see him again, unless she absolutely had to ((I.e. class)).

Valarie thought it wasn't the best idea to bring Roxanne to the party, only to ditch her at the door and find her again when it was time to go home.

So she found herself playing blacklight shot uno with a boy who's hair glowed in the blacklights, Luke, and Christina, a girl in her Journalism class, who was a very informational drunk. ((Meaning she randomly rambled off facts from the tops of snapple tops.))

Being in their second round of the game, Valarie found herself beginning to get slightly tipsy, even with her high alcohol tolerence. ((Also due to the fact that she knew how to bluff better than a criminal on trial.)) Everyone else at the table was more drunk than she was, but not by much. 

"Kiss my arse, Lava." Michael, the boy with the blacklight hair, said, throwing down a draw 4 going Valarie's way. 

Every time there was a Draw 4 card, they had to take a shot of tequila, in addition to recieving extra uno cards. 

"Suck it, Cliff." She said after the shot, feeling it go to her head already.

Valarie put down a skip card for Luke, meaning he had to take a shot of vodka for every person who took their turn after him.

After those 3 shots, Luke found himself growing increasingly giggly, but he was also 3 cards away from calling uno. If he called uno, he could chose any one person at the table to do a body shot off of when the game was over. 

Luke had already chosen who he would prefer, although it wasn't even clear that he was going to win. ((well more or less. Luke had figured out a way to win the game by outwitting the rest of the people at the table. The only trouble was that he was growing increasingly drunk, and his inhibitions were lowering to the point where he didn't even remember what he said 5 minutes ago, let alone what he was planning to say.))

"Guys. Did you know that it's illegal in Texas to graffiti someone's cow? I mean you could be sent to jail for making cow art. That's pretty far out." Christina said, slightly slurring the last part of the sentence. She put down some colored card that Valarie didn't care to pay attention to. 

"Okay. We need to up the ante." Michael said, realizing that he was one step closer to uno than Luke was. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Valarie was a little bit interested in what could be higher stakes than a body shot. 

"It means that we are going to have to do more than just what we have now." Michael smirked as he looked at the group at the table with him. 

He paused while he was thinking about something that he would enjoy while simultaneously bothering the other people in his group. 

"I got it." He said, breaking the tension of the group. 

"Losers get blacklight tattoos." 

Now, this seemed like a brilliant idea to the people at the table who were considerably sure that they would win, and it was amplified by the fact that they had enough drinks to make them all unsure that they would be able to walk straight when they left.

"Fine." They all said, eventually. 

So after this upped the stakes of winning, each of the participants decided that it was best for them to take matters into their own hands. 

Valarie, who was the farthest from winning, decided that it was okay not to win because this would give her a reason to remind Roxanne of the pact they made to get tattoos. This was a solid excuse to pull that from the past. 

Luke, who was proud of himself for wearing a flannel, kept slipping cards down his sleaves when he made sure no one was looking. Unfortunately, the part of his plan that he did not think through was the fact that he had to eventually take them out, thus allowing everyone to see that he cheated. 

Michael, looked at the table and knew that he had it in the bag. Especially since no one noticed that whenever he drew a card, he drew in with the hand he was holding the rest of the cards in, so he never actually got a new card. 

Christina, in the midst of her babbling about how many people inhabit the state of Florida, continued to stuff cards in her bra. Since no one cared enough to listen to her useless facts, they usually let out a collective groan whenever she was going to say something. This meant, of course, that they didn't watch her as she obviously cheated. 

FInally, after many more shots and a whole lot of cheeting and missing cards later, the table group looked up and realized that despite all of their cheeting, their efforts failed because they didn't plan accordingly. 

"UNO." Valarie said, less enthusiastically than she should have. 

"WHAt." The other 3 at the table looked completely dumbfounded, considering Valarie started with 12 cards when they made the extention to the bet. 

"Yeah. I said it. I win. You guys lose. Sucks." Valarie put her cards back into the stack and they stared at each other for a little bit longer. She decided it wasn't worth the body shot now that she was getting noticably tired. 

Valarie turned back one more time, thinking of the best line she could possibly muster in light of the fact that this meant she had to find another way to convince Roxanne. 

"If you guys are going to cheat, you might want to do it when you're more sober. You all suck at it." She turned once more to head to the door to go back to her own apartment. 

Luke sat back in his chair considering all the options of what to do next. He could walk her home, but her apartment was downstairs, so it wasn't a long walk. Or he could start cleaning up, but the party was going to go on for a little bit longer, so there wasn't really a point in doing that. 

In the end, he decided on the safe thing. 


He sat back in his chair while he watched couples dancing to the half decent music. Eventually, he decided that he sould get up and dance, since he had nothing else to do for the next hour or so, anyway. 

Meanwhile, Valarie found herself back at her own door, knocking continously in an attempt to wake up Roxanne, who was a known lazy sleeper. 

See, the difference between a hard sleeper and a lazy sleeper is the fact that a hard sleeper will sleep through loud things. A lazy sleeper will wake up and decided not to get up unless they were obligated. Roxanne was a very lazy sleeper. 

"Roxy. Roxy, I need you to get up. I know you're up. Please? I forgot my keys inside." 

Valarie was known for leaving her keys at home. ((Which is the reason she learned how to lock pick in the first place.)) Roxanne was known for being the most sympathetic when she was in the middle of sleeping. SO obviously, Valarie tried appealing to her subconcious before she did anything else. 

THis didn't work. 

"I promise to buy your lunch for two days." She tried. Usually bribery worked on her when sympathizing didn't. 

Like she suspected, Roxanne opened the door, still half asleep. 


Hohoho Merry updates-mas. 

Thanks for sticking around with me on this long journey to nothingtown.

Remember kids, cheaters never prosper. 

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