Pity Parties and Cow Utters ((Ralum))

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A/N: I edited this!!! I hated how the old chapter turned out. It was mind numbingly boring so I decided to rewrite for clarity and just to seem better in general.



"And remember class, for every one beer you drink, make sure you chase it with a bottle of water. Then you won't end up like me." Roxanne's professor ended class 5 minutes after it started, so everyone began rushing out of the classroom, quietly of course.

Michael turned from his seat, looking at Roxanne as she packed her backpack.

"So are you going to do the Food Bank assignment?" He asked.
In her class, the professor gave the class the option to either write a book report or volunteer at the local food bank and write a report on that. The only stipulation about the food bank was that you had to bring someone with you.

"I was thinking about it, but I'm more inclined to do the book report." Roxanne said, glancing down at her shoes.

In some of the previous classes, he talked to Roxanne about some things people usually didn't talk about to her. Normally, people didn't appreciate Roxanne's knowledge about Tv shows and Movies, nor did they ever think her ideas were very good. They were definately original, but they weren't...normal. Everything she thought of was unique and generally pretty complicated.

"I'm thinking of going..." He said, opening the door for Roxanne to walk through. This action always made her uncomfortable because she never knew what to say. Like, sure you thank the person, but sometimes it looked like they were asking for more than a 'Thanks.' It was like they wanted her to worship the ground they walked on, over a door.

"Really?" She said, pausing in the middle of the hallway. She definitely had time to kill before she met Valarie at Chemistry

"Yeah. Do you think you'd want to be my plus 1?" He smiled at Roxanne and she felt her face grow very hot. This was followed by a very large feeling of guilt because she still couldn't remember his name. SHe knew it started with an M, but she didn't get much farther after that.

"Yeah, okay."

"Great. We should get each other's numbers so we can plan this out. You know, scheduling conflicts and everything." He said, holding out his phone.

When they finished, he waved and walked in the complete opposite direction of Roxanne's next class. She looked at her contacts, finally glad to know his name. At this point, it was very unlikely that she would forget it.

Roxanne was about to call her mother to update her on how moving and other things were going when she physically bumped into someone, causing her to drop her phone.

She stood there, looking at her phone in the hopes that it wasn't cracked. Today would not be a good day for her phone to crack. SHe was nowhere near having the money to get the screen fixed, or even worse, replace the phone completely. Plus all of her contacts and account passwords were in there. It was no understatement to say that killing that phone was the equivalent of killing her life.

"Sorry." Calum said, also staring at Roxanne's phone on the ground.

SHe looked up at him in disbelief after picking up her phone from the ground. Sure enough, the screen was shattered beyond repair.

"You know," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, "you really shouldn't text and walk at the same time. It's worse than drinking and driving." Calum smirked, trying to smoothly sail out of this situation. He knew that there was no way for him to get out of this situation, no matter how hard he tried. But a guy's gotta do something, right?

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