The (Not So) Breakfast Club {Roxarie}

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Roxanne decided that it was in her best interest to get to class early. Inbetween her morning class and Chemistry, she and Valarie decided to go home and gather a few things. It was more or less a time for Roxanne to take a well needed nap while Valarie updated social media on everything she hated about her first class. ((Namely the brunette boy, who's name was Jacob, who sat next to Valarie that snapped his gum too loudly and raised his hand at every opportunity, even if it was to correct Mr. Barns about a misspelled word.))

Eventually, the girls walked the 4 blocks to the parking garage where Roxanne's car was parked. 

"Why didn't we take your car this morning. Traffic was light." Valarie said after they pulled out of the garage.

"We were already late. Traffic was backed up for 30 minutes. Plus I need to refil before we run out of gas on the way there. That's why." Roxanne navagated the express ways, after stopping for gas, and the girls found themselves driving around the campus parking lot, looking for the first open spot possible.

The problem with this plan was the fact that Roxanne happened to be a very nice person, even in the process of her driving. So the first 3 spots that opened up, she allowed other people to take them because they were speeding as though they were going to be late for whatever class they were enrolled in. 

"YOU CAN'T BE NICE. RUN THEM OVER." Valarie, on the other hand, was the kind of driver to get distracted by a hot boy on walking along the sidewalk or quickly speed into a parking spot that was obviously labeled staff but would eventually convince the people attempting to tow her car that she was going to be late. ((She would no doubt 'add color' to the whole story by mentioning something about a baby and the father being a swimmer on the USA team that wasn't being the most supportive so she had to live with his mother, even though she kept them on a diet of nothing but oatmeal 3 times a day wit granola for snacks inbetween. This plan had worked more than once in the past.))

When they finally found a spot in the parking lot, the girls were still too early to go into the room. Roxanne attmepted to use the whole 'There's no such thing as early' line, but Valarie refused to move, seeing as "Being half an hour early for a class will destroy my record of never being on time for anything." 

In truth, Valarie had a bad habit of being on time for almost everything she did and it was Roxanne who had the inability to be on time for anything. 

Still. The girls went into the empty class room with 15 minutes to spare, thus beating the teacher there.

"Mess with the bull, young man, you get the horns." Roxanne whispered as the teacher walked into the room. He looked like like an almost replica of Principal Vernon from the Breakfast Club. She watched as he shuffled over to his desk, nearly dropping his books in the middle of the floor. 

"Are you whispering Breakfast Club lines in this class?" Valarie asked, looking over at her best friend. She was previously preoccupied with updating her social media status. 

"Just look at the professor and tell me he does not look like a replica to the principal in the movie." She whispered. Class still hadn't begun, and wasn't going to for a little while longer, but Roxanne didn't plan on possibly offending the professor before the class even started.

After all, Vernon and Bender exchanged some pretty harsh things through out the ((barely scripted)) 80's classic. As much bad stuff as you could pin on Vernon, the most positive one was that it was his fault that the 5 of them were in there in the first place. 

Valarie looked at the teacher once more, watching as he mixed redbull into the coffee on the top of his desk. Valarie was pretty sure that he was going to regret that, but she also wondered how well that worked. His tie was a little on the shorter end of the tie length spectrum, and it was was obvious, considering that he was a tall guy. 

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