[ Chapter 20 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I'm done with my room i just stick up a few pictures onto the wall, arranged my books on my shelf. I moved some stuff. I move my desk on corner and my bed from the corner to the window. I don't know why but i like to sleep near windows.

And also Melissa got my car for me, it was nice of her

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And also Melissa got my car for me, it was nice of her. I put one hand on my hip and the door open. Which startled me, i turn and mom entered with a confused face.

" knock " i said.

She exit and knock on the door. She open the door again.

" dinner's ready " she said, i roll my eyes.

" let me shower first " i said.

She exits and i lock the door. Grabbing my normal clothes. I enter the bathroom and started to strip my shirt.

~ Time Skip ~

I just wore a simple T-shirt and short pants. I brush my hair and went downstairs, sliding on the handrail and landing perfectly on my feet. I enter the kitchen and sit on the table.

I adjust my seat and took a spoon of F/d. I feel like pairs of eyes are looking at me. I stop for a sec and look up with my eyes to see mom and Melissa looking at me. I took out the spoon out of my mouth awkwardly.

" what? " i asked.

I swallow my food and they stay silent looking at me. I notice them staring at my arms.

" say something " i raise the tone of my voice making them snap out to reality.

They look away and started eating.

" so Y/n, i heard you broke Aaron's foot " Melissa snorted, Aaron growls.

" dad told me too " i smirked.

" what?, no i didn't " dad retort.

" Derek " mom said.

" no he didn't " Aaron said.

" Y/n, tell the truth " Melissa said.

" fine, i lied, but he didn't said don't break his foot so i broke it " i said.

" she's does have a point " Melissa said.

" someone agrees " i said.

There was an awkward silence for a second and we continue eating.

" how's your arm? "

I spit my rice and drop my spoon as i started choking and coughing as mom ask that question. I drink my water and put one finger in front of her to as a sign for her to give me a moment. I then calm down.

" that's the most stupidest question to ask " i said.

" I'm worried " she said.

" well, let's say dad took all my blades away and i haven't cut in approximately 2 months ever since and now that Lesley hoe is gone with her bitching brother i guess I'm fine and if you would excuse me i lost my appetite " i said in one breath and smile innocently as i get up from my seat.

I walk out the kitchen and upstairs to my room. I close the door and lock it. My phone then rings. I walk to my desk and see a text from Karen.

It's time.

~ Time Skip ~

I adjust my hair and fix my make up a little bit. I grab my jacket and put it on. I look at the mirror. It looks fine to me. (pic above)

Since I'm too lazy to even sneak out cause I'll get in trouble anyways if i don't tell so yeah. I head downstairs and see Melissa on the couch with dad douche.

" where are you going? " dad asked.

" I'm going out with my friends " i said.

" at this hour? " mom enters the room as i grab the door knob.

" yeah, I'll be home tomorrow " i said.

" tomorrow? " Melissa asked as i open the door.

" your not going anywhere young lady " dad stood up.

" well, guess your lazy ass is too late " i exit the house and slam the door close.

I walk on the side of the sidewalk and started texting Karen.

≫ Hoe number 1 ≪

Y : where r u guys?

K : meet us at
the park as always

Y : k

≫ End ≪

I put my phone in my back pocket. I keep on walking until i reach the park. I enter and see two familiar person standing by a tree holding hands. Their back facing me.

A girl with galaxy purple and a mixed blue dyed hair that is torso length, wearing a black tank top with a pair of short jeans and ankle boots.

A guy with silver dyed hair, wearing a beanie, a skull design shirt, a pair of converse and tights.

I clear my throat getting their attention. The girl has dark blue eyes and the guy had red crimson eyes. They both were blushing and separated their hands. I intertwine my hands behind me and walk up to them slowly.

" so, when did this happen? " i smirk, getting closer to their faces.

" Y-y/n, hey it's been a while " the girl with blue eyes hugs me.

I push her away.

" hugging is not my thing Karen " i said.

" i know " she said.

" we were just waiting for you " said the boy with red crimson eyes.

" are you sure about that? " i asked.

" y-yes " he stutters.

" your obviously lying Dominic " i said.

" fine, we're just dating " Karen blushes.

" ooo~, trying to go to the next level i see? " i asked.

" just cut to the chase, let's not waste our time " Dominic blushed.

" all i know is that your only her sex partner Dominic and now your trying to fuck her everyday by confessing your love?, should've known since elementary " i said.

" hey, love can sometimes hits us anytime " Karen said, i smirked.

" shit " she cursed.

" how long has this been going on? " i asked.

" 5 years? " Karen said unsure about it.

" and you never told me? " i asked.

" okay, can we just go now? " Dom said with a red face

I laughed and we walk to our destination.

The club.

I'm bored af right now.



~ Mariko

He Loves Me【Zane X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now