6.9K 356 62

episode 2
starring min yoongi & jeon jungkook

yoongi lifted his hat up slightly and wiped the sweat off his forehead

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yoongi lifted his hat up slightly and wiped the sweat off his forehead. he and cedar were currently on one of their many adventures they enjoyed to partake in. yoongi had run out of Lilium longiflorum, or more commonly known as the easter lily. the young witch had put on his boots, grabbed his satchel, his family's book, and of course, his hat, and walked out of the house.

yoongi could've attempted to conjure the flower needed, but the last time he did that, a not-so-friendly venus flytrap appeared in the garden. the witch's powers weren't quite up to standard and preferred to just scavenge for the things he required, like the old fashion way of doing things.

the witch let out a huff when he plopped himself down on a nice patch of grass. cedar followed suit. yoongi unclasped the buckles of his satchel and took his family's book out of his bag. he settled the large book on his lap and opened it up to the saved tab. the page had a worn-down photograph of the easter lily with directions on where to find it beneath in messy handwriting.

the nature witch glanced at cedar and pouted. "i can't find it," yoongi mumbled. cedar stood up and nuzzled his head against yoongi's exposed leg. the cat let out a long meow as a way of telling his owner it'd be okay.

the young adult was about to protest, but cedar went into protective mode. the cat jumped in front of yoongi and began hissing at nothing. yoongi didn't see anything at first, but then he saw the bushes rustle and heard the low growl of a wolf. yoongi held the book to his chest and clutched it hard. he slowly got up from his crisscrossed position and propped up a knee.

that's when he saw it. the light and a dark grey mixture of fur and the beady hazel eyes. the wolf was huge, definitely, something cedar nor yoongi could take down. the wolf's length ran about six feet, which was enough to take down the witch's body.

yoongi was shaking, but his body made no effort to move. he couldn't. it was as if he lost all control over himself. cedar continued to hiss at the wolf that grew closer. cedar was preparing to jump at the beast, but it suddenly collapses.

the witch doesn't know why, but something in him drew him closer to the wolf. cedar tried to stop his master from getting too close, but yoongi didn't listen. when yoongi was close enough, he noticed the red-stained fur at the side of the wolf.

yoongi dropped his book to the side and opened his satchel. he dug through his bag causing the jars and supplies he brought to clank against each other. yoongi sighed in relief when his fingers touched the bottle he was looking for. the witch pulled out a thin potion bottle with a purple substance inside.

"cedar," yoongi called out. the cat was by its owner's side in a second. yoongi smiled at his cat, "please go get bandages from back home. i don't have any to cover the wolf's wound." cedar was skeptical about leaving his master unprotected with a vicious wolf. "it'll be fine," yoongi reassured. with a final push, cedar was off running on the path back home.

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