06 | part 2

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episode 6 part 2
starring min yoongi & the annoying bunch of boys

yoongi silently sipped on his tea as his eyes glanced at the comic witch and vampires, who were all have a staring contest

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yoongi silently sipped on his tea as his eyes glanced at the comic witch and vampires, who were all have a staring contest. yoongi set his cup down gently on the table then cleared his throat. the sets of eyes quickly focused yoongi, causing the latter to get all flustered. "so, um...namjoon, this is taehyung and seokjin. they're both vampires. taehyung, seokjin, this is namjoon. he is a cosmic witch."

taehyung frowned disapprovingly. he propped his elbow on the table and rested his chin against his palm. "i can't believe you've replaced me already. aren't i enough for you, yoongi?"

yoongi opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words but none were coming out. seokjin rolled his eyes and pinched his companion's arm skin. "ignore tae. he's being stupid again. we're just surprised to see you with someone else. he thought we'd be able to keep you all to yourselves' yoongi-chi." seokjin spoke in a singsong manner.

namjoon scoffed and crossed his arms. he thought the vampires were full of themselves and an unnecessary nuisance in yoongi's life. if he could, he would've sent the brothers flying across the forest as cedar had previously suggested.

the nature witch laughed dryly. "actually, if i'm being completely honest..." yoongi smiled innocently at either side of the table. "these past weeks, i've befriended multiple guys." yoongi snuck into his seat when the three males' eyes narrowed at him and a low who was demanded.

the plant witch let out a forced chuckle, "well, i met a demon first." namjoon clicked his tongue at the thought of yoongi associating himself with a spawn of satan. according to namjoon, demons were selfish, sinister liars that only did as they pleased. yoongi decided it was best to omit the fact that he may or may have not kissed the demon on the cheek, but that information was not important. "there was also a werewolf."

taehyung eyes transformed into blood red. he hit his fist against the table, causing yoongi to flinch from the sudden outburst. however, the witch was anything but surprised. for centuries, wolves and vampires were known to have bad blood with each other. it was for worse than the tension between any other species. "i can't believe you befriended a mutt. did the mutt hurt you? i'll kill them if they did."

yoongi's eyes widened and he waved his hands. "no no no! he was very nice. he walked me home just in case of any other creatures were lurking in the dark." yoongi shifted his eyes to seokjin for some kind of help, but was out of luck.

seokjin shrugged his shoulders, "i agree with taehyung. it was poor taste to befriend a werewolf."

namjoon tapped yoongi on the cheek. the latter turned to the other witch. "ignore them, who else did you meet?"

yoongi fiddled with his fingers. he didn't really want to say because he knew the trio would go ballistic, but they were staring at him intensely. they really wanted an answer and probably would stop until they got one. yoongi told himself that maybe they wouldn't go crazy at the mention of the last friend, but that was a lie. "a- uh- um. he is- um- oh, my daisies, stop staring at me like that."

"oh, that's no fair, beautiful. you're not going to tell them about me? how i'm a gumiho? what about how you patched me up? oh, this is a good one. what about how close we were to kissing?" jimin, the sneaky gumiho was outside the fence smirking at the four full of playfulness.

being the impulsive person he is, taehyung was up in the sly fox face in a matter of seconds. taehyung flashed his fangs and deep red eyes at jimin, but the latter wasn't the slightest bit affected. in return, his eyes changed to a pretty bright red and his nails grew longer and sharper.

"oh, my daisies!" yoongi looked like he was about to have a heart attack from today's event. all of this was so overwhelming for him and not what he was expecting at all. he had been hoping that all the boys would get along without a single problem, but that clearly was not the case. he was beginning to miss the old peaceful quiet time that consisted of only him and cedar. yoongi let out a loud whine, which didn't go unnoticed.

out of nowhere, a large puff of smoke covers the entirety of the garden. the smoke rose, particularly in the region around jimin and taehyung. the high level of smoke caused the two to let out a serious cough and change back to their normal forms. there was a snap then all the smoke vanished into the air. "will you animals stop fighting. you're making my little witch all pouty."

everyone's, except yoongi, turned to the source of the voice. they stared jealously at the figure towering over the nature witch. the demon smiled cheekily as he slung his arm around the smaller. hoseok winked at the audience before pressing a chaste kiss on yoongi's cheek.

yoongi let out an exasperated sigh as he witnesses all the death glares being thrown at the cocky demon behind him. the plant witch had come to terms that he was definitely not going to get his peaceful normal lifestyle back. he was just waiting for jung-

"i smell a mutt!" taehyung bellowed.

yoongi stared at his now empty cup. he removed hoseok's arm from his body then proceeded to get up from his seat. he grabs the tray of tea once again, before silently returning back into his kitchen to brew more tea.

| author's note
comment future chapters you'd like to see. since i'm not making the chapters connected anymore, anything goes. it'll be easier for me to write request because i don't have to worry about a timeline.

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