06 | part 1

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episode 6 part 1
starring min yoongi & the annoying bunch of boys 

episode 6 part 1starring min yoongi & the annoying bunch of boys 

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yoongi wasn't so sure how his life ended up like this. he spent seven years of his life living alone in his little raggedy shack hidden deep in the forest. he lived a very routine kind of lifestyle. he'd wake up early in the morning, make himself breakfast, than did either of four things: scavenge the forest, tend to his garden, make potions, or practice his magic. the latter two usually failed, but that was beside the point. the point was, yoongi didn't have much of a life outside of that, nonetheless, had interactions with anyone.

so how on earth, did he go from living alone in his little raggedy shack deep in the forest to being bombarded with eager men every second of his life? the nature witch didn't quite know either.

some people might call yoongi crazy for hanging out with a complete stranger after one day of meeting each other, but here he was, sipping tea with the cosmic witch that literally fell from the sky and crashed into his garden. it's not that the young witch was lonely, okay, maybe he was just a tiny bit, but he had cedar and he was content with that. perhaps it was the fact that yoongi hasn't been in the company of another witch for roughly seven years.

hearing the cosmic witch, namjoon, go on and on about the stars and his travels might be boring for others, but yoongi didn't want to miss a single second of the beautiful adventure. it's not every day that a new guest comes stumbling into yoongi's part of the forest. typically. the past few weeks for him have been quite out of the ordinary, and that's saying something since he's anything but ordinary.

"oh, my daisies. you can talk to the stars?" yoongi eyes twinkled as he leaned more forward to hear namjoon better.

namjoon cheeks heated up at the close proximity, but he didn't dare to pull back. "u-uh yes? i mean y-yes! k-kinda. only on full moons, cause y'know, that's when my powers are the best, not that they aren't good now, but better when there's a full moon. oh, my stars, i'm rambling again aren't i? i am! shoot! sorry." namjoon embarrassingly hung his head down. normally, the cosmic witch had no problem talking. he was actually quite good at public speaking, but he had a tendency to panic around really pretty people, such as the nature witch.

yoongi giggled, "don't worry namjoon. i find it adorable whenever you ramble." namjoon stood up and took the empty cups of tea. "i'll get us more tea, and then afterward you have to tell me more about your adventures." namjoon nodded furiously. the nature witch smiled warmly before disappearing back into the house.

namjoon turned his attention to cedar, who sat cozily on the table. the cosmic witch laid his head on the cool surface and stared at the cat. cedar whines internally. after their strange encounter, namjoon has been pestering the cat. "why do i keep getting so flustered around yoongi?"

cedar replied back with a meow, "how should i know? you're so weird."

namjoon frowned. "i am not weird. you're the weird one here." the witch stated with full confidence.

cedar's eyes dilated as he hopped on his four legs. he stood directly in front of namjoon's face and placed a paw on the witch's cheek. he let out a string of meows, "you can understand me? why can you understand me? of course you can, you're so weird!"

namjoon spoke his a slurred tone since his cheek was being pressed against, "are you telling me others can't understand you? also, stop calling me weird."

cedar jumps off of namjoon's face and begins hissing. there's a low chuckle followed by a, "hello, kitty." the cosmic witch stumbles out of the chair and stands up straight. he glares at the pair of eyes, or rather the set of eyes in front of him. it took the intruders and namjoon once a single glance at each other to be able to tell what species they were.

"vampires," namjoon grumbled.

"witch." the gray-haired vampire smirked.

cedar meowed angrily, "don't just stand there you dumb dumb! can't you whoosh them away with your powers?"

namjoon rolled his eyes at the cat's unfriendly command but nonetheless rose his hands up. they glowed a bright hue of purple, same with his eyes. it was bright out and his powers weren't as strong, but they'd suffice.

the gray-haired vampire grinned sinisterly. his eyes transformed into a deep blood red and his fangs grew past a normal length. the blonde-haired vampire sighed and clasped his hand onto the other's shoulder. "not everything involves violence, taehyung."

"i ran out of jasmine tea, so i had to remake a new– oh." all eyes shifted to the nature witch that stood by the doorway connecting the garden and house. yoongi's vision jumped from namjoon to cedar to the vampires than to his tray of tea. he glanced back up. "i'll make more tea."

| author's note

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