The INSANE Cast:

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Adam Rodriguez is someone you would NEVER say is the pillar of his community. They would probably say "That Adam Rodriguez is one selfish son of a bitch."

"That Adam Rodriguez is a dirty orphan."

"A thief."

"White trash!"

"A fucking scumbag!" 

But not ever "A fucking hero?!" Who in their right mind ever let Adam Rodriguez into Mercury Institute? It's ONLY  the top institution in the world to help heroes become the best versions of themselves. 

Who the fuck thought Adam Rodriguez was good enough to go there?

Liam Fernandez is the type of person you can count on! Liam Fernandez is the type of boy who will make sure his friends day is a lot better than yesterdays.

"That Liam Fernandez is a upstanding kid!"

"Liam Fernandez is someone I inspire to be!"

"Super Nice!"

"A Dreamboat!"

"A Fucking real hero."

Liam Fernandez is the ultimate candidate for Mercury Institute. He is an example to others what a real hero truly is and means to be. 

So why is he rejecting being at the academy? Wasn't Liam born to be a hero?

Julie Stiles is a fucking dumb bitch. Julie Stiles hopes to become an actress one day. Julie Stiles cares what she looks like in the morning when she just rolled out of bed. Julie Stiles hates school and learning about...well generally anything.

"Julie Stiles is a fucking slut."

"Julie Stiles is an airhead."

"A two-timing whore!"

"Fucking Sexy!"

Julie Stiles applied to Mercury Institute thinking it was a collage of the arts where she could study to become an actress. Julie got in. Mercury Institute accepts all kinds of mentally challenged people. (She's the only they had to keep her enrolled for legal reasons)

Julie Stiles still have no idea what she's...doing?

Jasmine Craft is highly intelligent. She's studied for everything even possible outcomes! Jasmine Craft is a top notch bitch. Jasmine Craft is what Mercury Institute have been looking for! Jasmine Craft is a type of person who can kickass and still can wear her pearls.

"That Jasmine Craft is aspiring!"

"Jasmine Craft can drink like twenty beers and still do the same time!"

"She knows how to have fun!"

"She is rad as fuck!"

"Don't talk about Jasmine Craft in a bad way, people got her back!"

The Mercury Institute put up flyers  all over the world to look for Jasmine Craft! They desperately wanted her in their academy.

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