Malody's return

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"I want you to track and hunt down Lloyd Garmadon," the Overlord said with a wicked tone of voice. "I would track him down and bring him to you if it's the last thing I do," Kagme said before bowing and leaving. "Why are you doing this? You don't have to follow him," Lloyd told the girl in front of him. "You don't know me or what I went through," Kagme said to the fallen green ninja. "Malody, your powers are wild and free like the wind so it is something to be proud of your brother and his friends have been told to restrain their powers," Mistake said as she watched Malody creating shapes from the shadows around her. "Though why are my powers acting the way they do now after the situation with the Overlord but not before?" Malody asked.

"It's because you are the guardian and as you learned the former right hand of the Overlord," was all that Mistake said.

Malody woke up with both fear and knowing in her eyes and she just sat there before getting up to head to the kitchen. After a few minutes of silence, Malody's roommate came in to see his friend sitting alone. "Nightmare again Mal and it's nearly 5 years since it happened," Theon said as he started to make his famous Valerian Root and Rose petal tea. "It's because the Overlord forced my oni side to surface along with torturing me while I was under his control," Malody said as she gladly accepted the cup of tea. Theon knew that was true that Kagome is Malody's oni side and heritage personified. That was something that Malody wasn't aware of till this happened and it had gotten to the point that Mistke had to explain it to Malody afterward. "I know plus it's time for us to start protecting Ninjago alongside the ninja," Theon said as he drinks his tea. Malody knew that her best friend was right bringing her past up as a point.

Theon knew that the last time Malody tried to protect anything or anyone was the Golden Weapons of Spinjistu before her father was banished to the Underworld. The Golden Weapons had been forged by her grandfather to create Ninjago and both her father and uncle years later Malody herself was tasked to protect them. The First Spinjistu Master had been Malody and Lloyd's parental grandfather and that fact few people know about her. "You know very well that I can't just walk into the monastery and say 'hey am back and can I join the team'" Malody said knowing that she had not seen her family or been at the monetary since before the fire that brought it down. They just sat there on the edge of shadows letting them touch them with its cold embrace. The cold touch of the shadows was something that all Children of the Night had known since their first moon as a child but Malody knew this feeling better than anyone because of her dual elements and her Oni heritage.

Later that day, the best friends went to Ninjago City to spend the day with the arrival of the arts festival. "I know that am no elemental master but how can one shape the very world around us?" Theon asked in a whisper. Both Malody and Theon had grown up hearing stories of the elemental masters with Malody being the only one out of the pair to be raised in that world hidden in plain view from the rest of Ninjago. "It's instinct and a feeling that's hard to put into words. Elemental powers are like magic being able to summon the element itself out of thin air to be able to use it from around you," Malody said back in that same whisper. Walking around that festival which had a section that was dedicated to weapons. Each stall was operated by a family ran blacksmith shop across Ninjago and one of the stalls were run by Ray and Maya Smith old friends of Garmadon and Wu.

Malody looked at each stall and each weapon that they were selling but the closer she got to the stall for Four Weapons Blacksmith Shop. Kai and Nya were there to help out their parents at the festival though Nya had noticed Malody two stalls away wearing a jacket that could be used for a gi. Theon and Malody stopped at the Four Weapons stall to look at the weapons to which Ray noticed that Malody had a dagger on her waist and by the handle realized it was a dagger he created. "How much for this set of throwing knives?" Malody asked before realizing that she was talking to Ray and Maya. "$25 and do you need any supplies?" Maya asked trying to keep everything calm. "I already have supplies I have two daggers at home," Malody said with a smile knowing that one of those daggers was forged by Ray. Kai saw Malody and noticed that there were electrical burns very similar to Jay's but unlike his, it looked more chaotic but noticed that there was a thick white scar against the red burns with a brand-like scar slightly to the left in line with her thumb on her left arm.

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