Chapter 7

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Song for this chapter: maps-maroon 5

I locked myself in my room for the rest of the night ignoring everyone,

I felt like curling up into a ball and cry and cry until everything gets better, but this time it won't.

I lay on my bed with 'your not my friend' swirling around in my head, God I should just bang my head up against a wall, all this over a stupid dance. Which is This Friday night!

Now I don't have a date nor does Riley, Could this day get any worse?

I thought about what happened today over and over, I am a terrible friend!

I picked up my phone and built up the courage to text Riley, I sent him a message but it came up with 'group message deleted' oh now it's on.

Idiot I can still call him, not that I want to. I Miss him. I still can't believe what happened. I still can't believe my best friend loves me. I wonder why?


Yay Wednesday, see the sarcastic tone I used there. I have sport today. don't get me wrong I love sport but I am in the same class as Riley. Great

First coach made us do laps then we did this stupid fitness test, honestly it's just a form of torture for all the misbehaved students.To get hammered in gym class!

I felt sorry for Riley, being the most un fit kid in the whole year really bites you in the butt! he started sweating just listening to coach talking about the exercises. poor kid.

"Hey Riley, c-can we talk?"

"There is nothing to talk about. Go away!"

"Yeah I would, but were sort of in the same gym class."

"Piss off Jo!"


He walked away and basically ignored me for the rest of the day, his birthday is coming up soon 'Thursday' I will get him something, hopefully he will accept.

I walked home from school, Riley still avoiding to even make eye contact with me, made me feel worse.

"What's your deal?" I question him.

He didn't answer just kept walking.

"Riley! RILEY!" I waved my hands in his face "look at me!" I screamed.

"What? What do you want Jo? oh do you want to be friends again and braid each others hair and hold hands? and lie to each other and treat each other like shit!?!"

I just stood there, paralysed with shock and hurt. anger soon flushed through my body as I slapped him.


"What?" he said rubbing his cheek.

I sighed loudly then rubbed my temples,

"Riley, when you told me you loved me, I was scared that our feelings would destroy our friendship. I love you too. a lot, but I don't love you like that." I pointed to a couple kissing across the road.

A tear rolled down his cheek reaching his chin where he wiped it off, his big green eyes were red from crying and cheeks a bright pink. I'd seen him cry many times before just not like this.

He pushed past me and kept his head down.

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