Chapter 11

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As I walked into the library I saw Dylan reading a book. What? Then I soon realized it was a coloring book. That's better

I placed my books on the table and cleared my throat "hello"


"So anyway what are you having trouble with?"


Oh boy.


After a very long lesson with mr Howard I bought lunch. Riley wasn't at school today. Weird.

I was sitting down on a bench during my free period and got a text.

*unknown number: do you wanna hang? U look lonely.

*me: no thanks, um... Who r u?

*unknown number: Dylan


"JAMIE!!!! TURN THE GOD DAMN MISIC DOWN!" Mum shouted from the kitchen

Yeah Jamie is the most annoying person you will ever know. Period. He is like up till 3 in the morning texting sky

(his girlfriend) about some shit, then stomps down to the kitchen and prepares a feast for himself. No wonder there is hardly any food left for us.

I checked my phone again. Nothing.

Me: *hey, r u ok?


Me: *dude come on! PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Ugh! I called him, texted. Boys right?

That's it! I decided to go around to his place, walking out the door when the cold air hit me. It was a very long 20 meters I had to walk, probably the longest ever. In my life.

Knock knock knock

No response.

So i went around the back and thankfully the back door was open wide open actually. I slowly walked through the large house, no one was home. Odd.

I turned to walk up the stairs and saw a small trail of blood drops, OMG. I quietly ran up the stairs

(if that's even possible) and entered Riley room straight away. Un made bed, dirty clothes on the floor. Window open.

But no Riley, I began to panic so I went I to the bathroom.

For a moment I couldn't breath, there he was lying limp on the floor. Face down. Not breathing.

*000 what Is your emergency?"

Me: *m-my friend... I found my friend...he's, he's on the floor not breathing....please help!

*ok I need you to remain calm and stay on the phone with me! can you do that?

Me: *ok.

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