RWBY Volume 2, Chapter 12: Breach | Rooster Teeth

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All rights for RWBY go to Rooster Teeth.

This is a Fan based parody.

I will be using Italicization for people's inner thoughts.

Hints towards Whiterose and Bumbleby will continue in this chapter so enjoy.

Naomi and Rachel from previous volume/chapters will be in this chapter.

In Team JNPR's Dorm Room*

Jaune was sleeping peacefully until his Scroll(Phone) started ringing.

Jaune answered his Scroll(Phone) and said "Uh, hello?".

A fighting noise could be heard in the background which cause the call to end.

Jaune looked at caller ID and said "Ruby?"


Team JNPR was walking to their ship to leave for their mission.

Pyrrha said "I'm sure they're fine.".

Jaune then said "You think?".

Naomi then said "Maybe they called on accident.".

Pyrrha then said "Naomi might be right, besides Team RWBY performs exceptionally well in the field so I assure you their fine.".

Rachel then said "Pyrrha's right we should be focused on our own mission.".

Jaune sighed and said "I just got this... feeling. I, I don't know.".

Pyrrha then said "Jaune...".

Team JNPR then stopped when they heard the emergency bells going off in town across the lake.

Jaune then said "We're changing our mission. Everyone on board.".

Pyrrha looked at Rachel and Naomi.

Pyrrha, Naomi, and Rachel then got on board the airship.

Jaune turned to the pilot and said "Take us into the city.".

The airship then took off and headed towards the city of Vale.

Over With Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury*

Cinder watched JNPR take off in there airship.

Emerald walked up to Cinder and asked "You don't think...?".

Mercury walked up and said "Sure looks like it.".

Emerald then said "That's still days away!".

Mercury then turned to Cinder and asked "So? What do we do?"

Cinder then thought to herself I wonder if Rachel can handle herself in this type of scenario so for now I suppose we'll stay out of it for now

Over With Team RWBY*

The giant King Taijtu and the rest of the Grimm horde surrounded Team RWBY in the square on all sides. 

Team RWBY looked at each other worriedly.

The giant King Taijtu roared and Team RWBY readied for combat.

Ruby jumped forward and spun around cutting Beowolf's back.

Yang jumped forward shooting a Creep Grimm in the face launching herself into the air, while in the air Yang shot at all the Grimm she could.

Yang then looked back to see 3 tiny Nevermore's flying towards her.

The Nevermore's hit Yang causing her to fall.

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