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I was staring off into space when the bell rang making me jump a little I got my things and went home. I quickly packed my bags and made sure I had my plane ticket then the door bell rang and it scared me.

It's was around 11 when they were all asleep surprisingly I went and got my stuff and was sure not to wake them up. I got a ride to the airport and got checked in I had gotten red-eye to California and it bords at 6 and it was now 3 so I got out my phones and recorded a message for them

" Hey guys Ummm as you can tell I'm not there .... umm I'm really sorry I just need time away away from that town and that house and all the people not you guys but other people soo umm to Zach I wanted to say thank you for getting my mom the help she needed I know I was mad but I'm happy that you did to Corbyn I really hope that you work things out with your mom and dad and tell that idiot of a brother of yours that he should not be such a jerk ... all the time Daniel thank you for always being so worried oh and thank your mom for me too and Jack thank you for not listening to me that first day we meet you know what I mean oh and I left my car and the keys for you guys just please don't crash it don't worry I'll be back I just need some time away .... one last thing don't look for me ok I'll give you guys updates ok see you guys later"
I stopped the recording and waited for my flight and when I got on I sent it in the group text and passed out when I found my seat.

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