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Jonah's pov
I woke up with a headache and I was in my car on the passenger side I looked and saw her sitting on the beach looking at the water. I got out and walked over to her and sat down
" I tried to get back to your house but I got lost so this is where we are "
" it's ok I shouldn't have drunk so much "
" you think "
God that smile you don't see it very often but when you did you knew it was real and full of joy
" what do you remember"
" well I remember when you went to the door and walked out with Luke then I started drinking a lot more "
" dude I was helping him take his drunk mom home "
" I know I suck at beer pong and Sean's really good soo "
" oh "
I looked down at the sand and said
" Why did you um react the way you did when she did whatever "
" now that that's a story for when you're sober without a headache... now please tell me how to get back to your house I haven't slept "
" let's go "

When we got to my house she went right to the couch and passed out and I went to the chair next to her. I was looking at the scars on her back when my phone buzzed.

As pov
When I woke up it was about 3 in the afternoon there was a blanket over me so I pushed it off when I sat up and looked over into the kitchen
" Jonah "
He popped around the corner
" yeah "
" what are you doing "
He looked at the stove and said
" making us food "
The way it said it it sounded more like a question than an answer. I got up and plugged my phone in and left it on the counter and sat down at the table soon he walked over with the food. When we were done he said
" So Ummm I'm completely sober now and no headache so can you tell me why "
I looked down and the table and started talking
" ok so I'm sorry in advance but try to keep with me ok "
" ok "
He whispered and I looked up
" so when I was 5 I found my dad when he Ummm killed himself and I covered my brothers eyes he was 4 at the time so I didn't want him to see that and it was hard on my mom but she kept it together then Ummm almost 4 years ago now my brother Jack Ummm .... he also committed suicide and um the night he did it he Ummm"
I whipped away the tear that was running down my face
" he died in my arms and when this happened I went mute for 3 years and in these 3 years my mom became a drunk and slowly got more and more abusive the more she drank and umm then I meet a guy named Jack and then his 3 best friends moved to town too and they helped me speak again and umm one of them Zach got my mom help and after the first time we went to see her when we left she Ummm she killed herself that was 4 weeks ago and Ummm I just needed to get away and so I decided to come to California "
I looked at him and I could tell he was trying to understand what I just said then he looked at me with his eyebrows pulled together and then a tear ran down his face. He jumped out of the chair and ran over to me and hugged me and I cried a little he pulled away and said
" I'm so so sorry A "
" it's ok and doesn't worry I won't do that "

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