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As pov
When he closed the door I went over to my bag and pulled out the swimsuits I brought. I decided on a black two-piece I put on some black cut off shorts and a gray tank top and some black flip flop. I walked out and he said
" God why do gi-never mind "
I went downstairs and waited for him to get ready wich took 20 minutes
" come on I'm starving "
" ok ok let's go "
He said and he ran down the stairs we got in his car and drove to the beach.
We parked and I looked up and said
" that looks like a lot more then a couple of friends "
There were about 10 guys standing around
" I didn't know they would all be here "
I let out a sigh
" fine let's go "
He smiled and we got out and walked over to the guys and after some introductions, we started to play catch but really it was a contest to see who could throw it the farthest. It's was Jonah's turn and I was talking to one of the guys and when he threw it he did horrible and I started laughing he looked at me and started to run towards me. I had my phone in my hand so I quickly handed it to the guy Luke I was talking to
" I'm gonna get you"
Jonah said as he chased me then we were by the water and he picked me up and I let out a little scream then he threw me in. He was laugh so hard I sat there with the waves hitting me he walked over and he put his hand out to me and I pulled him down with me
"you're lucky I left my phone on the table "
We got up and he took off his shirt to wring it out and I could feel my face getting hot because I realized I couldn't stay in my soaked close. I stopped and realized how stupid that was and I stare to walk out of the water and I took my tank top off and wrung it out then took off my shorts and did the same thing. I went back over to Luke
" someone called you I hope you don't mind I picked up "
" oh Ummm ... it's a it's ok "
I looked and it was jack who called me
" ok let's get something to eat I'm starving "
Someone said they ran over to a food truck and I called jack back.

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