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Jonah's pov
When she woke up I was happy and scared like was she going to be mad and try to hurt me but her words made me come back to reality
" where am I "
I walked over to the couch because I thought that my knees would give out when I told her
" Hi I'm Jonah "
" I'm A and what happened "
I got distracted for a second because she sounded way different then I thought she would
" ok so I was out for a run with some of my friends and I was looking over at them and not in frontal me then suddenly I ran into you and you went forward and hit your head on the arm of the bench so they helped me bring you back here "
" why not the hospital "
" because it's expensive and my moms a nurse so I thought she could help "
I left out the part about my mom being out of town for a while because she's at some training thing in Texas. She got up
" well are you ok "
I was so confused this girl this I hurt is asking if I'm ok
" what "
" You said that you ran into me are you ok "
" yeah "
" Ummm where's the bathroom "
" I'll show you "
She followed me down the hall to the bathroom and when she looked in the mirror she said
" God you didn't clean me up very well did you "
There was still some blood in her hair that I missed and some running down the side of her face because she had stood up. I turned to grab a towel from the top shelf and she said
" hey your back "
I was so confused till she lifted up my shirt I guess I didn't feel it because I was worried about her
" come on take it off "
I did what she said and when she was cleaning it I would pull away because it hurt then she said
" oh come on it's can't hurt that bad "
I would move back to where I was and she continued. When she was done with me she worked on her head
" Here let me help "
" it's ok I got it "
I felt bad because she had just helped me and she didn't want my help her phone kept light up and buzzing and it was all from one guy
" god your boyfriend must really be worried about you "
She looked down quickly to see who it was
" he's not my boyfriend... I don't have one of those... what's your girlfriend going to think when your friends tell her you took a girl home "
" I don't have a girlfriend "
" no, you're kidding a guy like you "
We both smiled then I said
" so Ummm where are you staying "
I could tell by the look on he face and how long it took her to respond
" I actually don't have anywhere to stay but that's not your problem "
" what "
" I'm sorry I'll just go I'm sorry to have wasted your time "
Why would she think she wasted my time if anything I waisted hers.

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