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As pov,
It's Wednesday only Wednesday the days have felt like two that might be because Luke makes me practice for hours every day or because I was just waiting for Friday. Luke's phone started to ring
" Hey it's Jonah "
" can you get it "
" yeah "
We haven't talked so I was hesitant when I answered
" dude I miss A so much I know it's only been a couple of days but when you came and got her stuff and she didn't come with I was so crushed... hello ... you put the phone down again didn't you ... am I in the fridge "
" no, you're not in the fridge "
" A "
" So can I come back now "
Luke walked in and yelled
" hey I heard that "
" sorry Luke but constantly surfing is going to kill me I can barely feel my legs "
" so I'll come to pick you up "
" yeah "
" I'll be there as soon as I can "
" k bye "
I hung up and Luke smiled and said
" See I told you he would miss you after I got your things from his house ... and you're getting pretty good at surfing "
" Thanks, I guess I should go pack "
I ran up to his room I'd been sleeping on the couch because for some reason they don't have the spare room set up.
An hour later there was a knock on the door and I knew it was Jonah and I was in the kitchen
" where is she "
He was suddenly in the doorway and I looked at him and he started to walk towards me and he hugged me. I went back to Jonah's and the rest of the week flew by Luke still made me surf but it was ok.

It's Friday morning and I woke up early for some reason I went downstairs and saw Jonah sitting at the table and he said
" I don't feel like making anything wanna go out for breakfast"
" sure "
I went upstairs and I thought maybe he somehow found out it was my birthday but I quickly decided it was because he didn't like to cook at all. I quickly got changed and we went to a diner and then Corbyn texted me
' see you soon '
" who is it "
" just Corbyn telling me that he'll see me soon... I haven't thought about where there going to stay I mean I can get them a hotel or something right "
" they can stay at my house "
" Are you sure "
" yeah "
" and your mom won't mind "
" no "
" where is your mom if you don't mind me asking "
" she at a conference "
" ok "
I could tell he didn't want to talk about it anymore so I dropped it and we ate our food.

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