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I woke up in the hallway between the two rooms I put them in. I got up and went into the first one where I put Jonah on one bed, Luke on the other and Sean on the couch they were all still asleep. I went to the other room where I had put Zach and Daniel on one bed and jack and Corbyn on the other. They were all still sleeping so I left notes in both rooms and went down to the breakfast area and got something to eat.

Jacks pov
I woke up and the others were watching something on a phone then someone knocked on the door I got up and opened it to see Luke, Sean, and Jonah
" guys come to look at this "
Daniel said and we all huddled around him and he hit play on a video he took. It was of A and some guy was threatening us and she stood up to him. When it ended I heard the door unlock we turned and there she was
" what "
She said with a look on her face that I couldn't describe she walked to the bathroom and Daniel said
" there's one more video "
He hit play and we saw how messed up we were and how she actually got us to our rooms and what we did
" so umm there still surviving food if you guys want to go get some "
I saw the marks under her eyes indicating she didn't really sleep that night. I don't know why she would do that for us we're the ones that are supposed to protect her not the other way around.

As pov
When I walked out and saw the marks under my eyes I knew they were going to say something about them then I heard something so I walked out of the bathroom and they were watching a video I didn't know they took
" so umm there still surviving food if you guys want to go get some "
They all looked at me and I said
" what's wrong this time "
Daniel looked at me and his eyes were a little red
" A What happened last night "
" you all got drunk so I got us two rooms "
I knew what he meant but I didn't want to say it
"An I took a video for some reason and what did you mean by what you said "
" Ummm let's get some food "
" no, tell us "
I went to the middle of the two beds so I was now standing in front of the TV and I started
" so umm you 4 know how my mom stabbed me that one time when she was drunk ok well um yeah that wasn't the first time she did it she only stabbed me twice the first time was in the leg because she was drunk and passed out and somehow got my leg so yeah there's that I've been almost beaten to death 3 or 4 time don't need to explain that one and umm if I care about someone I protect them no matter what even if that means I die in the process now can we please leave because I slept in the hall and I think if the room survive guy sees me one more time he'll kick me out "
I walked out of the room and went to the lobby and they came down after a minute and we walked out. We were halfway to the car
"Hey ... little girl "
I knew it was the guy from the night before I was in the back of the group
" run don't wait for me I'll meet you back at Jonah's "
" what n"
" GO"
I yelled and we all started running so did the other guys I was falling behind when someone tackled me to the ground
" go don't stop "
I yelled and they soon disappeared the guy turned me over. I was up on my elbows when the guy from last night said
" you're not so scary little girl "
He kicked me in the side then he knelt down beside me and put the knife to my neck and started to draw a little blood. He got up and I started to move when the other two picked me up I somehow fought them off and I took off running. I saw a church and I looked back and they were a little bit behind so I ran in there were some people I saw a guy with dyed white hair and an all-black outfit I ran over to him and he gave me a look when I sat down I looked back at the door and he must have gotten what was going on because he put his arm around me and when the men left he took off his leather jacket and gave it to me and said
" get home safe "
" thank you "
I ran out and put it on and got a ride to Jonah's.

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