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As pov,
I went back to the living room to find my bag when I looked over to the kitchen and saw 3 guys and they were all smiling and it was weird
" come on A "
Jonah said as he walked back out still shirtless
" where's my stuff "
He grabbed it and threw it to the guys I went over to them
" come on just give it back "
They started to tease me then I made a fist and one of them said
" what are do you want to hit me "
" Sean come on "
" what Jonah she wants to hit me ... come on then you can't hurt me "
I took a deep breath and let my hand open then he said
" that's what I thought a little girl that needs protecting "
I could smell the beer on his breath then I looked him dead in the eye
" oh I'm so scared "
He said then my hand was a fist again and I punched him in the nose breaking it and he fell back I looked back at Jonah and said
" I'm sorry you made a mistake bringing me to your house "
I looked at the guy who had my bag and he handed it to me and I went out the front door. Then someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around
" what do you mean "
" I mean you know nothing about me an"
" stop stop stop ... come back in please... let's talk and get to know each other I mean you seem pretty interesting "
He smiled and put his hands in his pockets and nodded towards the door I smiled and walked back to the door.

It's was now 11:39 at night and his friends left hours ago
" so A can I ask "
" ask what "
" Why did you run away I mean all you've told me was that some stuff happened and you needed some time away "
I was just about to respond when my phone rang I knew it was late back home so it must be important
" do you mind "
" no "
I picked it up on the last ring I was about to put it to my ear when I realized it was a FaceTime
" Corbyn what's wrong "
He smiled and said
" nothing "
He giggled and that's when I knew he was drunk
" where are the boys "
" shhh there sleeping "
He turned around the camera and I realized they were at my house with bottles all around them. He turned it back to him and said
" you're pretty "
" Corb I need you to wake them up ok "
" ok "
He screamed and they all woke up and were saying hi
" hi ok listen to very careful ok guys "
They all nodded
" ok whoever can drink two glasses of water the fastest wins "
They ran to the kitchen and each filled up a glass then downed it and repeated
" I win I win wait what did I win "
Daniel said
" you win not being as hungover in the morning yay "
They all walked away
" good night Corbyn "
" night beautiful "
He hung up and I dropped my phone onto the couch
" brothers "
" no best friends "
" ok well I'm so tired see you in the morning "
He went upstairs and I passed out.

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