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Magnus twirled his fingers around, no longer being able to beckon the blue and red sparks that used to fly around his fingertips. The magic has left his body but not his mind, the ease of being able to have whatever he desires at his hands, he reminisced. He looked over to Alec, gently snoring under the covers of his silk sheets. "It was all worth it." He thought. The man in front of him so gloriously beautiful and strong to Magnus, that it erased all the sadness he felt with losing his powers. Magnus studied Alec's face, the dim morning sun highlighting his defined cheekbones and brought out the contrast between his dark locks and his skin.
Though Magnus loved Alec so much to give up his magic, he's yet to make peace with his loss. But his determination is strong on continuing to live his life happily with Alec.
Magnus tore open the curtains jolting awake Alec with the full power of the morning sun.
"Magnus!" Alec groaned.
"Good morning pup! Rise and shine!" Magnus said with a flourish of his hands.
"Pup?" Returned Alec skeptically.
"Panda?"Magnus quizzed, offering another term of endearment.
Alec groggily stirred "Magnus. No." Said Alec as he propped him self up, turning to face Magnus. "What are you doing up so early? "
"I got up at the crack of dawn to go to the farmer's market to procure ingredients for our breakfast. Do you know how many oranges it takes to make a glass of orange juice?" Magnus studied the glass on the tray of breakfast he's prepared for Alec and himself. "More than I bought"

Alec was confused. All he wanted was to have Magnus in the bed with him. "What's the special occasion?" Alec asked, now fully awake.
"It's your day off, and I intend to make the most of it. So, I've made us breakfast. I'll admit that it wasn't easy not being able to conjure up what I wanted to eat but there's something to be said about doing things the mundane way."

"Magnus" alec smiled, "that's actually really sweet" he leaned in to kiss his beloved warlock.

As their lips touched, Alec wanted to draw Magnus in for a long kiss. He wanted to feel magnus's long fingers run through his messy hair. Magnus, however, only allowed a peck before pulling away, leaving Alec stunned and unsatisfied.

"So, my beloved Alexander, eat up! We have a big day ahead of us!"

Alec looked over with a mischievous smile "Magnus, come on, we have the whole day ahead of us. I want to hold you, breakfast can wait."
Alec moved the tray of food onto the nightstand and then gripped Magnus' hands with his, pulling Magnus into his arms.
" Alec." Magnus breathed.

"Magnus, I love you. Let me enjoy my morning with you. Slowly"
Alec rolled over on top of Magnus, engulfing him with a forceful kiss.

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