Analysis Three

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After Eren had finished telling Erwin about what happened during the night of the murder, the teen finished off the water in one huge gulp. After which he crumpled the bottle in his hand to release what ever stress may have been left, but this was before the Chief told him something that he found unbearable.

" Thank you very much, however as much as you have helped in telling the truth I have no choice but to put you under house arrest for a few days. You should count yourself lucky."

" What?! And why is that?!"

" Seeing as you have held this information for a couple of days without much suspicion, I can't help but wonder if the statements you've provided are indeed what you may have done."

" Do you hear yourself right now? This is unbelievable! It's no wonder the civilians are doubting you guys, you jump to conclusions without a second thought!"

The Chief left through the door and Eren was left in the room thinking about what had just happened. After the News Report the night it happened the brunette was sure that the killer would strike again, and soon. With a new tactic or disorganized hit list, he wasn't sure which one he was sure the maniac would use but both thoughts were plausible. He stopped himself from thinking anymore as he was starting to think like a killer would. What if he did end up degrading to someone like that? What would happen then? No. He wasn't going to allow that to happen, ever. He stood up from the chair and walked sluggishly to the door, throwing away the crumpled up bottle in his hand as he left the room. He was greeted to Armin and Mina wearing a shocked expression on their faces. Armin spoke up first.

" Eren, why did you tell him?! They're going to put this on the news and who knows?! The killer will see it and he might come after you, me, or Mina!"

" It's not like I had much choice Armin! The three of us can't keep that bottled up for so long, and frankly I was trying my best to stay calm and level headed for you and Mina. Screw finishing school, I'm leaving for work." The brunette turned on his heel for his locker.

Mina ran after him but was held back by Armin, " Armin?! I have to go after him!"

" Just leave him alone for now, trust me. You don't want to see him in this state."

The girl looked back towards Eren's direction and yelled for him, " Eren!"

۩۞۩ Time Skip ۩۞۩

The brunette had been working at the pharmacy for about thirteen hours just to let off some steam but it didn't help at all. All he could think about was what the Chief had told him.

" I have no choice but to put you under house arrest for a few days."

He couldn't believe it, but it's not like he didn't see any punishments coming if he confessed. He was physically prepared but not mentally. When the teen was pent up from stress he'd come here to work and get it out of his mind no matter what time it was, which was why he was one of many trouble makers. He'd always throw the first punch, he'd get the last word, he'd leave school without notice, he'd ditch a whole day, the list went on. His parents always seemed to be disappointed in him whenever he got sent to detention, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to live his own dangerous life, and that was why he was aiming to join the military. He kept this from his parents and was playing the innocent child in the light, whereas in the dark he'd do whatever he pleased.

Sociopathic Killer [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now