The End Of A Perfect Night

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It was now 3am, and me and the girls were still dancing. We hadn't stopped all night. I had occasionally danced with Luke when he wasn't with his friends or checking that his house wasn't getting to trashed.

I had noticed that Kate wasn't with Ruby and Elle, which was strange as they are always together. I could see her glaring at us as we danced, and I was pretty sure it had something to do with me. She seriously had something against me, but I didn't care. She was missing out on being with her friends because I was there.

I hadn't drank too much alcohol, so I wasn't quite drunk. I wish I could say the same for Ruby and Elle, they could hardly stand up.

Whilst we were dancing, I felt Luke wrap his arms around my waist and I instantly relaxed into him. I had noticed that Kaitlyn had dissappeared somewhere, probably with Kyle. They could hardly stay away from eachother.

We danced together for a while, swaying to the music, whilst Elle and Ruby struggled to stand up. They were dancing with these guys I didn't recognise, but I left them to it. Their friends, Sophie and Ariana, were with them so they were making sure they were ok.

I felt Lukes arms wrap tighter around my waist, pulling me in closer to him.

"Come with me?" He whispered into my ear, his breath making me tingle as it touched my skin. I  smiled as he grabbed my hand and turned towards the kitchen. I followed, our fingers intertwining as we walked. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," He replied, looking at me with a sexy smile on his face. I giggled and kept following him, out of the back door and down some steps at the end of his backyard. They were hidden, so not many peopld would have known they were there. 

When we reached the bottom, we were on the beach. I took off my heels and stepped onto the sand with my bare feet. It was warm against my skin and the smell of salty water hit me immediately. It looked beautiful. The sky so clear and filled with so many stars.

The sound of the waves crashing against the sand was so relaxing. We walked a little way up the beach until we found a spot to sit down. I leaned into Luke's side as he put his arm around my back, pulling me in closer.

He lent down and kissed me on the forehead, "I'm so glad to have you to myself for a bit," He whispered, looking into my eyes. I giggled, I could feel my cheeks heating up but I ignored it and carried on looking into his eyes. I bit my lip, trying to stop the redness forming. "You really need to stop doing that," Luke leaned in slowly, his lips nearly touching mine as I spoke.

"Why? What are you going to do about it?" I whispered, a smirk appeared on his face, but before he could do anything, I got up and ran towards the water. When I was a few steps away from where we were sat, I turned around to see Luke sat there with a shocked expression on his face.

He got up and chased after me, I immediately picked up speed, running as fast as I could. obviously not fast enough. Just as I was about to enter the water, Lukes arms wrapped around my waist lifting me off of the sand effortlessy and spinning me round in circles. "Where do you think your going?" He asked, I giggled as he put me back down on to the sand, my feet touching the edge of the water.

I turned around to face him as we both stood in the water laughing. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he lifted my legs so they wrapped around his waist. Our lips crashed against eachothers as he walked away from the water and sat down. My legs were still wrapped around him as he sat. 

I pulled away from the kiss as I grabbed his wrists and pushed him against the sand. I smiled, "There's nothing you can do now!" A smirk suddenly appeared on his face as he spoke, 

"Well that's where you're wrong?" He said as he rolled to side so that he was now on top of me. We both giggled as we continued to mess around together, having fun. After 30 minutes of being alone,  we were interupted by Kaitlyn and Kyle.

"Savannah! I've been looking everywhere for you! You need to help us sort Ruby and Elle out!" She said through laughter. 

"Oh god! Ok, we're coming now!" I replied laughing. We followed them both back up the steps to the house, grabbing my shoes on the way.

When we entered the room where everyone was dancing, Elle and Ruby were led on the floor with a sick bucket by the side of each of them. It was disgusting but we couldn't help but laugh. 

Everyone had practically left now, so we decided to go to bed. Luke had gone to tell the few people that were left that the party was over.

"Savannah, go check that there's nobody upstairs and we will be up in a minute!" Kaitlyn said whilst trying to hold Elles hair back as she threw up into the bucket next to her.

"Ok!" I said laughing. I was soo glad it was her doing that and not me.

I went upstairs and checked each room before entering Luke's. Luckily it was empty, so I sat on the edge of his bed waiting for somebody to come upstairs. 

A couple of minutes later the door opened. "Hey! Kyle and Kaitlyn are going to stay up here on the floor cause theres not much room left with the girls in the front room," Luke said smiling as he walked over to me.

"Okay," I smiled back. Then my face changed, as I realised I had forgotten something to sleep in. "Luke, I kind of didn't bring a change of clothes to sleep in," I said, unsure of what to do. He smirked at me and walked over to a small set of drawers on the other side of his room. "Here, put this on!" He said chucking me a shirt. "I'm just going to go and see how they're getting on downstairs, i'll be back in a minute!" 

As he left the room, I put the t-shirt on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face, removing all of the make-up I was wearing, before returning to the bedroom. It was still empty. I took off my shoes and placed them on the floor in the corner of the room. I took my dress off and folded it, placing it with my shoes before turning around to pick up the shirt. 

As I turned, I almost had a heart attack, Luke was stood there, looking me up and down. I realised I was stood there in my underwear and my cheeks started to turn pink. "God! You made me jump!"

"Sorry!" He smirked at me as I put the shirt over my head. I pulled it down and noticed that it only just covers my butt. "This hardly covers my butt!" 

"Doesn't bother me" He said smiling sexily at me. "But you might want to go careful when Kyle's here," We both laughed as I walked over to his bed and got under the covers. I watched as he took off his jeans and shirt, revealing his perfect abs and tanned skin. I smiled as he looked at me. He walked over and climbed under the covers.

He pulled me against him, so my head was on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up to meet his gaze, as he leaned in and gently kissed my lips. I smiled as he ran his hand down my back, keeping his lips locked with mine. He pulled away so are lips were almost touching, "What are you smiling at," He said running his hand down my back again. I giggled as I replied, "Nothing, i'm just happy," 

"Oh really? And why's that?" I smiled, and ran my hands across his shoulder blades, making him tense. "You!" Before he could reply, I let my lips touch his again, this time more passionately. Are tongues danced in eachothers mouths for a few minutes sending shivers through my whole body. 

"Oh sorry!" I heard Kaitlyns voice from the other side on the room and I quckly pulled away from Luke. I could hear her and Kyle laughing.

"Are we interrupting something?" Kyle asked.

"No! It's fine," I giggled quietly as I moved my head back down against Luke's bare chest. My cheeks turned pink as I realised Kaitlyn and Kyle had just walked in on me and Luke making out.

They both quickly climbed into the double sleeping bag that was laid out on the floor and Luke flicked the light switch that was above his head, turning the light off so we were in total darkness.

"Night!" Kaitlyn said happily, as she moved around to get comfy.

"Night," the three of us chorused back to her.

"Night beautiful," Luke whispered as he kissed my head gently.

"Night," I said smiling, as he squeezed me tighter against him. This was the best night ever. 

I was Luke Hamilton's girlfriend.

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