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"Yes, the Ritual." Namjoon cleared his throat. "Almost forgot about that."

"I hope you choose me, Kookie! Can I call you that? Kookie?" Jimin's eyes sparkled as he looked at Jungkook with puppy eyes. Jungkook laughed awkwardly again, nodding his head.

"The Ritual, if you were wondering, is just a routine that every member went through when they first signed up. Seokjin here is the oldest among us, so let him explain the Ritual," Yoongi said monotonously. "You will be working under one of us, sadly, until you find your preferred weapon."

"I worked under Hoseok, and he trained me how to aim so well!" Jimin happily told Jungkook. "He would make me stand in front of target boards as he threw knifes at me! Oh, what good memories!"

Jungkook glanced at Hoseok, who was laying on the couch comfortably. His eyes were staring directly at him, giving Jungkook goosebumps. Looking away, he turned back to hear what Seokjin had to say.

"I deal with guns, Namjoon deals with his fists, Jimin here deals with his very high accuracy but mostly cards, Hoseok deals with knifes, Yoongi deals with fire, explosions, the big boom boom stuff and Taehyung-" Seokjin faced Taehyung. "What's your preferred weapon again?"

There was no response. Jungkook leaned towards Taehyung and realised he was sleeping.

"He's sleeping," he told Seokjin.

"Like always," Hoseok chimed in, smirking. Seokjin rubbed Taehyung's hair furiously, waking him up.

"Stop that!" Taehyung smacked Seokjin's hand away, rearranging his hair.

"What's your preferred weapon?" Seokjin asked again.

"My dick."

"Come on, be serious!"

"Fine. Poison. I kill people by poisoning them. Sounds fun, huh?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jungkook. "My nails right now are laced with a quick acting paralysing agent that you definitely do not want in your body."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's nails. They looked normal, but under the sun, there was an eerie shine to them.

"Poison's lame," Hoseok said. "It's requires so many specifics and blah blah blah. Just use knifes! You throw it and boom! He's dead."


"Did you just K me, Blueberry Bitch?" Hoseok stood up from the couch. "Pull up, bitch! Fight me!"

"Here we go," Jimin groaned, sliding down into his seat and under the table. Taehyung bared his teeth at Hoseok, his nails pointed at him. Hoseok whipped out a swiss army knife, swinging at the other.

"Hey, I said no fighting!" Seokjin yelled.

Taehyung swiped at Hoseok, nails barely missing his face.

Suddenly, a loud bang caused Jungkook to flinch in his seat. His ears rang as white noise filled the room. He noticed Seokjin tucking his pistol behind his back as his mouth moved. Taehyung and Hoseok were both squatting on the floor, with surprised expressions written on their faces. As the sound returned to Jungkook, he could slightly hear Seokjin's voice.

"-times do you want me to tell you two? Take your fucking girl fights outside of the club room or I will fucking shoot one of you in the fucking leg!"

There was a silence.

"Sorry," Taehyung and Hoseok said simultaneously. Jimin got out from under table, sitting back in his chair. Yoongi hadn't moved an inch since he spoke. Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, in the next few days, you will be training under a mentor of your choice, or until you find a preferred weapon. Jimin trained under Hoseok for almost a year," Seokjin noted.

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